Category:Strategic Demands
Strategic Demands, StrategicDemands.com7
- GreenPolicy360's Associate
Strategic Vision / Strategic Demands / GreenPolicy360
- New Definitions of National Security
Via, "A Living Democracy"
A Democratic Republic, a 'Great Experiment' in the United States
A foundation of rights, human rights, put forward with and embodied in a founding US Constitution, Bill of Rights and Constitutional Amendments -- together a Constitutional government envisioning a living Democratic Republic. Ours is a democracy, a republic, a work-in-progress continuing to this day, a heritage worth protecting... The US Declaration of Independence proclaims ... “We hold these truths to be self-evident”.... “all men are created equal”... with the right to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness”, with rights to live under a government of their own choosing.
We recall a quote of Benjamin Franklin responding to a question in 1787 about the newly announced birth of the US as he left Independence Hall after the Constitutional Convention:
We have "a Republic, if you can keep it."
More Democracy Quotes
The Democratic Party Nominating Convention in Chicago concludes as a young girl watches
Kamala Harris, with her acceptance speech, becomes the nominee for U.S. President
“History has shown that nothing about democracy is guaranteed.
Every generation has to protect it, preserve it, choose it. We must stand together to choose what we want America to be.”
-- Democratic Party National Platform
2024 Democratic National Convention
Vice President Kamala Harris Campaign in the News as Young Volunteers Rush to Join a Newly Energized Campaign
- President Joe Biden gives his "extraordinary partner" a green light to go
Biden Says It's Time to 'Pass the Torch' to a New Generation
• In just the fourth Oval Office address of his presidency, President Biden praised Kamala Harris: "She's experienced, she's tough, she's capable."
• Mr. Biden said he believed his record merited a second term, but "nothing can come in the way of saving our democracy."
President Biden Steps Away from His 2024 Campaign
Via GreenPolicy360's associate, Strategic Demands
Posted on July 22, 2024
The withdrawal letter of the US president, delivered to the nation via social media, was not a shock given wide concerns about the President’s health condition
President Biden Endorses Kamala Harris
Strategic Demands Editor: Here we are together, how will we do? As the U.S. president steps away from his nomination and the U.S. vice president steps forward as candidate for president, there are those asking of the future of the Republic. Larger questions rise to the forefront. Is the ‘U.S. experiment’, democracy, a constitutional republic in danger? Claims are being made that democratic institutions are under assault. Examples are being given. Angst, anger, violence, an attempted assassination, chaos, foreign government influence, online dis/misformation, daily, hourly present challenges to the U.S. government and its policies. How will be the future of U.S. governance look after 2024?
These questions are real, the decisions about to be made in a national election weeks away will shape the future. The stark differences between the competing visions cannot be wished away or pushed into force without push back. ...
Some 28 days before the Democratic Party convention in Chicago, the President has passed a torch… It can be said now that, strategically, it’s a new race to election day …. cards have been shuffled, wild cards yet to be seen, odds have shifted, polls are changing, eyes are on swing states, swing districts. Deep pocket players are pushing in hoping for payoffs and average Americans, “small donors”, are dealing with online asks. Neighbors and families, preachers and preached to, businesses and every niche in America is being asked. This is time to decide where you stand.
Tuesday, November 5, 2024, is election Day in the United States of America. The Tuesday following the first Monday in November, is weeks away.
The continuing story of a nation, the United States, an epic story, is about to become next chapter reality with consequences across lives and resounding far into the future.
President Biden Letter Withdrawing from the Presidential Campaign / July 21, 2024
“My Fellow Americans,
“Over the past three and a half years, we have made great progress as a Nation.
“Today, America has the strongest economy in the world. We’ve made historic investments in rebuilding our Nation, in lowering prescription drug costs for seniors, and in expanding affordable health care to a record number of Americans. We’ve provided critically needed care to a million veterans exposed to toxic substances. Passed the first gun safety law in 30 years.
Appointed the first African American woman to the Supreme Court. And passed the most significant climate legislation in the history of the world. America has never been better positioned to lead than we are today.
“I know none of this could have been done without you, the American people. Together, we overcame a once in a century pandemic and the worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. We’ve protected and preserved our Democracy. And we’ve revitalized and strengthened our alliances around the world.
“It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your President. And while it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term.
“I will speak to the Nation later this week in more detail about my decision.
“For now, let me express my deepest gratitude to all those who have worked so hard to see me reelected. I want to thank Vice President Kamala Harris for being an extraordinary partner in all this work. And let me express my heartfelt appreciation to the American people for the faith and trust you have placed in me.
“I believe today what I always have: that there is nothing America can’t do - when we do it together. We just have to remember we are the United States of America.”
The Debate Continues, Turbulence in Politics Is the Word of the Day
Democracy Awakening, Notes on the State of America (2023) by Heather Cox Richardson
At a time when the very foundations of democracy seem under threat, the lessons of the past offer a roadmap for navigating a moment of political crisis. In Democracy Awakening, acclaimed historian Heather Cox Richardson delves into the tumultuous journey of American democracy
Our appreciation to Heather and our Boston supporters for Heather’s signed copy of Democracy Awakening. We especially value Heather’s daily “Letters from an American”, posted to Substack with accompanying Podcasts. Sign up. Get with the action. As Hannah Arendt said, ‘Vita Contemplativa to Vita Activa’.
Visit pages at GreenPolicy360 to explore more about democracy, the republic, politics, history, current events, and citizen rights and responsibilities
Re: The Adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
The Statue of Liberty, Torch of Freedom, with message of 'breaking the chains'
Opportunity, human rights, and the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
GreenPolicy360 / New Horizons of Security
The 'Big Picture', moving into the 21st Century and 'New Definitions of National Security'
- Democracy and Freedom Is an International Issue, Security Is Indivisible
In Defense of Democracy and Freedom
New definitions of security are demanded... forward planning with a new and more acutely aware vision of security.
GreenPolicy360 and its associate Strategic Demands challenge prevailing views that are not focused as they must be on existential threats of our era. A new vision of security must drive the politics of our times. New definitions of national and global security must become highest priorities.
The climate crisis is real. Severe eco-impacts are now being experienced by communities, local to national, as science is reporting with voluminous data warnings of a proliferating threat horizon.
Action is demanded in response. We must move climate and environmental impacts from 'irritants' to a central role as we rethink security risks. GreenPolicy360 and Strategic Demands point the way toward the new definitions, responses and solutions necessary for comprehensive, and sustainable security.
GreenPolicy360 Joins with Strategic Demands
Strategic Issues, National Security, Global Security
New Strategic Definitions of Security, Confronting the Existential Challenges of Our Era
The Nuclear War Threat & Climate Change Threat Brings Forward Global Green Political Action
Beginnings of the Modern Environmental Movement
A new vision of our home planet is delivered from the Apollo NASA mission and a modern environmental protection movement in turn is launched. As Earth in full color is seen as never before, a question arises... How are we going to navigate our journey as planet citizens?
We have come far from the past, what will the future now hold, how best can we manage?
- A Generation Green, Inspired by "Earthrise"
At GreenPolicy360 we speak of how each of us can make a positive difference.
Each of us can make a positive difference by stepping up & doing our best
We go on to write of 'quality of life', human rights, and a broader rights agenda that are 'top of mind'.
Now comes a strategic demand, one that professes the importance of defending our democratic institutions, freedom, and need for mutual security and common cause in this 360 world of ours...
Democracy, a Free Press, Facts & Fact Checking
- Fact Finding and the '3 Ds' -- Discussion, Debate and Decision-Making
“Truthful campaign discussion of public issues is essential to the American form of Government; but wilful misrepresentation of fact has no place either during election time or at any other time.”
-- US President Franklin D. Roosevelt, October 23, 1940
Read & watch Hannah's warnings how democracy can be lost
“The result of a consistent and total substitution of lies for factual truth is not that the lie will now be accepted as truth and truth be defamed as a lie, but that the sense by which we take our bearings in the real world – and the category of truth vs falsehood is among the mental means to this end – is being destroyed.”
-- Hannah Arendt, "Truth and Politics", 1967
Hannah Arendt’s last public interview
Arendt spoke about the importance of a free press in an era of mass manipulation of truth and public lying
Interview with Roger Errera in 1974
"What makes it possible for a totalitarian or any other dictatorship to rule..."
If everybody always lies to you, the consequence is not that you believe the lies, but rather that nobody believes anything any longer. This is because lies, by their very nature, have to be changed, and a lying government has constantly to rewrite its own history. On the receiving end you get not only one lie — a lie which you could go on for the rest of your days — but you get a great number of lies, depending on how the political wind blows. And a people that no longer can believe anything cannot make up its mind. It is deprived not only of its capacity to act but also of its capacity to think and to judge. And with such a people you can then do what you please."
Hannah Arendt, a Voice from the Past, a Clarion Call Not to Ignore
- Democracy at Risk Explained by a Scholar -- One Who Experienced the Loss of Democracy
Many liberals are perplexed that when their fact-checking clearly and definitively shows that a lie is a lie, people seem unconcerned and indifferent. But Arendt understood how propaganda really works. “What convinces masses are not facts, not even invented facts, but only the consistency of the system of which they are presumably a part.”
People who feel that they have been neglected and forgotten yearn for a narrative — even an invented fictional one — that will make sense of the anxiety they are experiencing, and promises some sort of redemption. An authoritarian leader has enormous advantages by exploiting anxieties and creating a fiction that people want to believe. A fictional story that promises to solve one’s problems is much more appealing than facts and “reasonable” arguments.
Arendt was not a doomsayer. To counter her warnings about political dangers, she elaborated a detailed conception of the dignity of politics. Because of our natality, our capacity to act, we can always begin something new. The deepest theme in Arendt is the need to take responsibility for our political lives.
-- Richard J. Bernstein, professor of philosophy at The New School for Social Research, 2018
Disinformation - Online - Dangerous | Fact Checking, Facts Count
GreenPolicy360 -- supporting freedom, a rights agenda, democratic institutions, a constitutional U.S. republic
GreenPolicy360 -- over decades continuing to reach all countries via our GreenLinks network and eOS, eco Operating System
Tens of million of visits, shares and re-shares, including green values, green best practices, and green politics in action
Strategic Demands of the 21st Century: A New Vision for a New World by Roger Morris & Steven Schmidt
“The moment requires bold innovative approaches to our interests and responsibilities on a drastically changed, swiftly changing planet. What we see as essential to a wide-ranging democratic discussion and debate is a new strategic discourse, addressing causes as well as effects. We must look ahead, envision and plan without illusion or compromising influence, recognize new realities, tell unpopular truths, put the national interest ahead of office, educate and act…” | .net | .org
GreenPolicy360's eco Operating System (eOS)
Tens of Millions of Visits, Interactions & Shares
GreenPolicy360 journeys across 50+ years of the modern environmental movement
An whole earth view began with "Earthrise", then grew into voices of a "Modern Environmental Movement", the first "Earth Day", and onto decades of envisioning, building, organizing, and sharing "Green Politics", "Green Best Practices", and [ Earth Science...
More personally, GreenPolicy360/Strategic Demands can said to have started up in the mid- 1960s with statewide debates of high schoolers in California on the topic of nuclear proliferation which brought our sites' founder/siterunner as a student to the offices of a newly elected Congressman named George E. Brown. Our story begins in a first meeting that goes far from East LA...
The work can be see as a picture of the early years of a Generation Green.
We are looking to protect our Living Earth ....
Green Politics, Over Five Decades of Organizing and Activism for Environmental Security
Green Politics: In the 1970s/80s Out in Front of Nuclear Weapons Reduction
- Continuing Decades of Advocacy for Sane Nuclear Arms Treaties and Non-proliferation
Strategic Demands of the 21st Century
The clock is ticking as we have worked to put forward a new security vision, new ways of seeing, new definitions of national security.
The mutual threats of global climate change and a renewed nuclear arms race have risen in the last two decades of the 20th Century to become existential challenges, threatening to life on earth as we know it. We have attempted to point out the gravity of the threats that are multiplying and cascading on our watch… The international community is, decades after the first National Climate Act, attempting to act in concert and confront these security threats. The actions are limited and far from reaching the effectiveness needed. A great shift is needed, a shift in how the U.S. and all nations consider security, how we define national and global security, and how together we must confront the #ClimateChange crisis and its approaching devastating impact.
Geopolitics globally, authoritarian regimes v democratic republics, a world in turmoil
- Russia's war in Ukraine rocks Europe, Russia-China speak to changes to come
Aleksei A. Navalny
4 June 1976 – 16 February 2024
Gaza-Israel War Worsens as It Expands
- The Costs of War Extend Far from Today's Fighting, Bombing and Death Count
- The Term "Blowback" Is Used to Describe Consequences that Follow in the Days and Years After
October Disaster in the Mideast
Mideast Disaster Escalates
The violence in the Mideast is focused, as of October 2023, in Israel and Gaza, after months of political turmoil and conflicts throughout the 'West Bank'... and extending to Lebanon, Egypt, and Jordan... and to Iran and multiplying throughout nations, regions, and religions of the world.
The roots of conflicts in the Mideast continue into present times, escalating generational violence. The weapons of proliferation, including nuclear weapons, have produced more fear of catastrophe, "Armageddon", and talk of the "End Times" as seen by extreme religious voices -- orthodox, reform, evangelical, west and east, north and south.
The region called a birthplace of religion has come to project beliefs counter to most faith's professions of peace, even as we now see outliers in faith denominations going nationalistic. What is being said is that the result of seeming perpetual conflict and war is ominous. The results of the current conflict, spread across the media, are visible in every corner of Earth.
Now let's go online with the most popular open-source 'encyclopedia' on the World Wide Web.
Via Wikipedia, let's consider perspectives of critical issues...
- ("End Times")
For reference:
An October Disaster in the Mideast
Putin touts solidarity with China in Xi’s pitch for new world order as crisis grips Middle East
Vladimir Putin and Chinese leader Xi Jinping discussed the conflict in the Middle East during a meeting on the sidelines of the Belt and Road Forum in Beijing Wednesday, according to the Russian leader – who said “common threats” brought the two countries closer.
The international gathering, which saw leaders and representatives from countries mostly in the Global South congregate in the Chinese capital, took place under the shadow of war between Israel and militant group Hamas that threatens to escalate into broader regional conflict.
“We discussed in detail the situation in the Middle East,” Putin said in a press conference. “I informed Chairman (Xi) about the situation that is developing on the Ukrainian track, also quite in detail.”
“All these external factors are common threats, and they strengthen Russian-Chinese interaction...”
At Xi Jinping's global Belt and Road summit, 130 countries
With the war in Ukraine, the Russia-China alliance, BRICS, and China's global Belt and Road Initiative as additional context --
Israel - Hamas War
Financial Times Bureau Chief | Reporting from Brussels (Brussels, de facto capital of the European Union, hosting principal EU institutions, including its administrative-legislative, executive-political, and legislative branches)
Diplomats warn backing for Israeli assault on Gaza has poisoned efforts to build consensus against Russia’s war ...
Israel Moves and Takes the US with Them
“We have definitely lost the battle in the Global South,” said one senior G7 diplomat. “All the work we have done with the Global South [over Ukraine] has been lost . . . Forget about rules, forget about world order. They won’t ever listen to us again.”
Many developing countries have traditionally supported the Palestinian cause, seeing it through the prism of self-determination and a push against the global dominance of the US, Israel’s most important backer.
Some American diplomats are privately concerned that the Biden administration’s response has failed to acknowledge how its broad support of Israel can alienate much of the Global South.
In the Middle East, many Arabs feel that the US and other western powers have never held Israel to account for its treatment of Palestinians, or paid enough attention to brutal conflicts in Syria, Yemen and Libya.
Russia and its ally China have cultivated warm ties with the Palestinians. Russia’s president Vladimir Putin on Tuesday (Oct 17) met Chinese leader Xi Jinping in Beijing.
“What we said about Ukraine has to apply to Gaza. Otherwise we lose all our credibility,” the senior G7 diplomat added. “The Brazilians, the South Africans, the Indonesians: why should they ever believe what we say about human rights?”
The Nuclear Weapons Threat Horizon: They're Back
On the Climate Change Front, Oil/Gas Profit Taking
Oil/Gas Profit-taking in a Profitable Year
The Long-term Costs of Oil/Gas Emissions Have Yet to Be Calculated, But Short-term Profits Are Accounted
- Saudi oil giant Aramco posts record $161.1 billion profit for 2022
- Four oil companies had total sales of $1 trillion last year
- Chevron, ConocoPhillips, Exxon and Shell all reported record profits in 2022
Oil giant Saudi Aramco has reported earning $161bn last year, claiming the highest-ever recorded annual profit by a publicly listed company and drawing immediate criticism from activists.
The monster profit by the firm, known formally as the Saudi Arabian Oil Co., came off the back of energy prices rising after Russia launched its war on Ukraine in February 2022, with sanctions limiting the sale of Moscow’s oil and natural gas in Western markets.
Externalities | Environmental full-cost accounting | Earth Right Now | Climate Change
Earth Science Vital Signs | Climate News | Climate Plans Enforcement - Resources
Fossil Fuels | Climate Policies | Environmental Laws | Planet Citizen Action
GreenPolicy360/Strategic Demands look back at the Vietnam peace movement, our roles, and now a PBS 'special event' documentary that reveals how the movement acted to prevent President Nixon from ordering the use of nuclear weapons. It was another nuclear close call ....
The Movement and the 'Madman'
The documentary film tells the little-known story of a dramatic showdown between a protest movement and a president
The Vietnam Moratorium mobilization of October-November 1969 is revealed to have politically influenced and stopped US President Nixon from using nuclear weapons
Nuclear Weapon Threats, Nuclear Weapon Tensions Escalate
- A 'Cold War 2.0' Continues to Heat Up
War Between Russia, Ukraine: Risks of Expansion
- War Between Nuclear Weapons States?
- Fact: There is NO Winning a Nuclear Exchange, NO Winning with Nuclear Weapons
As years of nuclear weapons drawdowns of arsenals, now comes a heating up of nuclear weapons tensions as hard-earned global nuclear treaties collapse like dominoes...
We watch as experts on nuclear weapons express their deep concerns. Here, in early 2022 we point to Professor Tom Nichols on his last day at a U.S War College as he accepts his medal and begins the next phase of his life. Here is one of his posts...
>Tom Nichols (@RadioFreeTom) Tweeted:
I wrote a book on nukes in 2015. This is the excerpt on the logic of flexible response. Again, think of it now as the Russians, through their own malevolence and stupidity, today being where NATO was 40 years ago. And think hard before hand-waving at escalatory concerns. /10x
- Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ Ⅷ Ⅸ Ⅹ Ⅺ Ⅻ
<bigAs Regional Wars Threaten to Trigger Use of Nuclear Weapons'
“Can humanity survive the nuclear era? We don’t know. I choose to act as if we have a chance.”
-- Daniel Ellsberg, A Common Insanity: A Conversation with Daniel Ellsberg About Nuclear Weapons
Doomsday Clock
- California Governor Jerry Brown Repeats Decades-long Warnings of Existential Threats of Nuclear Weapons
Strategic Demands / StratDem
Visit GreenPolicy360's Associate:
- Strategic Demands
GreenPolicy360 & Strategic Demands:
- Security for Today and Tomorrow's World 🌎
New Definitions of National & Global Security grew from an initial "Strategic Demands of the 21st Century" policy paper and "Surviving Victory" conference organized in Washington DC to propose new definitions of national and global security.
From the 2006 Green Institute/Global Policy forum and subsequent launch of GreenPolicy360 and eOS network, we have continued to offer a wide array of work drawing together GreenPolicy360 & Strategic Demands.
File:Strategic Demands of the 21st Century, a New Vision re Surviving Victory conf.pdf
- Environmental Security ↔ National Security ↔ Global Security
New Definitions of National Security @ GreenPolicy360
Environmental Security @ GreenPolicy360
Environmental Security, National Security
"ThinBlue" ... The thin blue atmosphere protecting the home planet
Strategic Demands / GreenPolicy360
Environmental Security News
Strategic Demands / Links
Environmental Health Sciences-Climate
Institute for Environmental Diplomacy & Security
Institute for Environmental Security
NASA 'Scientific-consensus' on Climate Change
Natural Resources Defense Council
Physicians for Social Responsibility
Stockholm Environment Institute
Truman National Security Project
Wilson Center-Environmental Change & Security
Wilson Center-New Security Beat
Global Security News
">Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists
Foundation for Middle East Peace
GreenPolicy-DigitalRights-OpenGov Links
International Peace & Conflict Org
Lawfare-Hard National Security Choices
Middle East Research and Information Project
Project on Government Oversight
Restricted Data-Nuclear Secrecy
The Interpreter by Lowy Institute (AU)
Strategic Organizations
Acronymn Institute for Disarmament Diplomacy
Bonn International Center for Conversion
British American Security Information Council
Brookings Arms Control and Non-Proliferation Initiative
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Carnegie International Nuclear Policy Conference
Center for Arms Control and Non-Proliferation
Center for International Policy
Center for New American Security
Center for Nonproliferation Studies, Monterey Institute for International Studies
Center for Strategic and International Studies
Federation of American Scientists
Geneva Centre for Security Policy
Institute for Economics and Peace
International Center on Nonviolent Conflict
International Institute for Strategic Studies-IISS
International Law and Policy Institute
International Studies Association
James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies
New America-Open Technology Institute
Stockholm International Peace Research Institute
Truman National Security Project
World Institute for Nuclear Security
A Clash of Political Systems & Global Economics
Democracy in Danger, Authoritarian Governments Extend Influence
International Relations and Agreements Break Down
Looking Back, Looking Forward
From the mid-1960s to the second decade of the 21st Century
- Fifty + years of science, knowledge for humanity, educating, and activism
- What a democratic republic in action looks like, the 'Big Picture' and Strategic Demands
"My Friend George" -- Representative George E. Brown
From the 1960s through the 1990s,
In his rumpled suits and quiet way George E. Brown moved to form coalitions few thought could be formed and garnered support for the first set of U.S. Congressional acts that served as foundation legislation for decades of scientific and environmental protection progress for the people of the US -- and ultimately for the world.
It started in East Los Angeles. We were called a 'barrio', but we were a launchpad, yes we were...
The First Earth Day: Personal Memories by Steven Schmidt of George's Role
Congressman Brown's work advanced environmental air quality and clean air legislation initially locally, then nationally and globally. George Brownintroduced the nation's first bill to ban lead in gasoline and was at the forefront of the Clean Air Act. He attacked Los Angeles smog, some of the worst air quality of any city in the world at the time and the air standards that came out of California became models worldwide. He succeeded in clean air and water efforts, though rarely given credit given his quiet approach to accomplishing big picture goals.
George was a key player in legislation founding the Environmental Protection Agency.
As the LA Times noted (without pomp or circumstance) in George's obituary in 1999: "He championed the creation of the federal Environmental Protection Agency". The creation of the EPA was in many ways Congressman George Brown's vision achieved..."
The founding of the EPA was based on new realizations of science and the environment. The vision of the "Whole Earth" that began with unprecedented Apollo photos on the cover of Life magazine in January 1969 led to a coming together of education, students 'teach-ins', scientific space missions studying earth systems for the first time, and popular demands for environmental protections.
A leader and a chairperson on the House science committee for over 30 years, George legislatively engineered an array of science efforts, including one that greens look to as prescient -- climate science.
From California to the World
GreenPolicy360 Siterunner: In the early years of the modern environmental movement, a conscious effort was made to construct a foundation of environmental laws and regulations on which a multi-year environmental protection framework could be built. Your GreenPolicy360 founder was one of those who believed in this constructive paradigm, using model legislation that could be locally developed, often in our state of California, then shared, 'exported' as we used to say, 'to the Feds' for adoption at the national level. The history here provides an ongoing modus operandi from the 60s and 70s until now as we deal with the pressing local, national, and international/global environmental threats and crises. We, at GreenPolicy360, call this "green best practices". Best practices is a model for sharing, networking, building on success and action. Templates and models, best practices made openly available, are our plans for having multiplier effects -- and it is our ongoing mission. A strong and resilient legal foundation and framework of environmental laws is an essential part of our overall work. We encourage you to join in as citizens of every nation, within your multiple and diverse legal systems and, we must add, as planet citizens.
A tip of our GreenPolicy360 hat to George E. Brown Jr who envisioned the Landsat's mission, the beginning of earth imaging and open access to the data and as a science leader in the US Congress supported, expanded and protected the earth science mission over the decades. The launch now, in April 2021, of Timelapse by Google Earth realizes a next step in George's decades-long quest to bring knowledge of our home planet to all citizens.
A Whole Earth Point of View --
- Steven Schmidt, GreenPolicy360 Siterunner....
- DYK? Yes, we do, we remember the beginnings !
Beginnings of the Modern Environmental Movement
On the 50th Anniversary
Memories on the Road to the First Earth Day
By Steve Schmidt
SJS/GreenPolicy360: "We are the first generation to scientifically and systemically monitor the 'Vital Signs' of the Earth. Let us work now to expand our vision and act to protect Earth's living systems. The well-being of future generations is in our hands."
GreenPolicy360 and Strategic Demands
GreenPolicy360's origins connect deeply with Strategic Demands. The intersection began in the 1960s, with a new Congressman, George E. Brown from East Los Angeles and a young debater, a high school student who set in motion with the Congressman a multi-year journey to develop climate/environmental science and generational activism and strong, deep opposition to nuclear weapons.
Here is a quick snapshot of where our connections and work have led and links you can follow with our group of founders.... relationships and ideas carried forward from the 1960s and 70s and going strongly today.
We are diverse mix, across the globe now with the Internet, many voices, colors, ages, especially young people joining in. GreenPolicy360 and Strategic Demands.... including Steve Schmidt, George E. Brown, Dan Ellsberg, Jerry Brown, Roger Morris, and Charlene Spretnak.
Welcome along... green, environmental, national and global.... strongly confronting and working to solve our generation's existential challenges. Reaching across our home planet, touching and interacting with planet citizens, looking to share solutions to the pressing problems and challenges of our generation.
Links to voices of StratDem/GreenPolicy360 include --
Steve Schmidt
George E. Brown
Dan Ellsberg
Gov. Jerry Brown
Roger Morris
- More from Strategic Demands and GreenPolicy360:
1992 Presidential Campaign
Governor Edmund (Jerry) Brown Brings Forward a Diverse Eco-nomic/Environmental Platform
SJS / Advancing a presidential campaign, your GreenPolicy360 siterunner worked with the Governor to draft the 'we the people' campaign platform, taking new ideas into the U.S. presidential debate to press the Democratic Party into a progressive direction...
- At the Democratic Party Platform Hearings
- Steven Schmidt and Jerry Brown
- at the 1992 Democratic platform committee meeting
"Platform in Progress"
This category has the following 38 subcategories, out of 38 total.
Pages in category "Strategic Demands"
The following 170 pages are in this category, out of 170 total.
- California out in front in a Green future
- Carbon Brief
- Christianity and Climate Change Belief or Disbelief
- Climate Change - Global Warming Keyword-Terms
- Climate Change Summit Paris
- Climate Desk
- Climate Law Blog @Columbia Law School
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- Climate Problems, Climate Solutions
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- Creatively Green
- Each of us can make a positive difference
- Earth and Space, Politics
- Earth at Night
- Earth Day
- Earth Day 2020
- Earth Day Is Every Day
- Earth Day Memories on the 50th Anniversary
- Earth Day Summit - April 22 2021
- Earth from NASA
- Earth Imaging-New Space
- Earth Right Now
- Earth Science Research from Space
- Earth Science Vital Signs
- EarthPOV
- Earthrise
- EarthTime
- Eco-nomics
- Environmental agreements
- Environmental full-cost accounting
- Environmental Law, Rollbacks under Trump 2016-20
- Environmental Laws and Modern Environmental Movement
- Environmental movement
- Environmental protection
- Environmental Rules Rolled Back
- Environmental Studies Online
- EOS eco Operating System
- ESA Living Planet Announcement - May 2022
- Ethics and Climate Change
- European Union Green Deal - Fit for 55
- EV Corridors Electric Vehicles Zero Emission Vehicles
- Extinction
- GDP+
- Generation Green
- George E. Brown Jr
- Glasgow Climate Summit - Pledges, Promises, Declarations - What's Next Up
- Global Climate Action Summit
- Going Green
- Going Green: Texas v. Pennsylvania
- Google Earth
- Google Earth Timelapse
- Governor Jerry Brown
- GP360 NewPages
- Green Bank in Maryland - and More
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- GTN GreenLinks Trending News
Media in category "Strategic Demands"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 1,298 total.
(previous page) (next page)- 'Thin Blue Layer' of Earth's Atmosphere 2.jpg 800 × 486; 46 KB
- 'Thin Blue Layer' of Earth's Atmosphere l.jpg 853 × 486; 46 KB
- 'Thin Blue Layer' of Earth's Atmosphere xl.jpg 1,152 × 648; 79 KB
- 100 seconds to midnight.jpg 768 × 432; 30 KB
- 1977 from the Office of Science and Technology Policy.jpg 661 × 711; 177 KB
- 2001 pic3.jpeg 800 × 450; 65 KB
- 2017 second hottest on record.png 800 × 674; 659 KB
- 2020 record temperatures.png 800 × 502; 358 KB
- 3M lawsuit re forever chemicals - June 2023.png 603 × 600; 357 KB
- 7-20-2020 GreenPolicy360 RT No.2.jpg 591 × 510; 125 KB
- A Brief History of the Future - 2s.jpg 448 × 309; 70 KB
- A Film About the Power of Protest.png 800 × 801; 715 KB
- A Flash of Green by John D. MacDonald.jpg 400 × 400; 55 KB
- A Planet Citizen View.png 799 × 1,241; 1.64 MB
- A root and its mycorrhizal fungus surroundings.PNG 315 × 382; 236 KB
- A scorching year, what about the 360 warming data.jpg 600 × 706; 106 KB
- A Stark Nuclear Warning.png 554 × 804; 171 KB
- A Ukraine Russia US Nato fix.png 800 × 519; 275 KB
- A View of the Earth and Moon from Mars.jpg 720 × 890; 3 KB
- About Baselines and Change.png 592 × 312; 33 KB
- About the Doomsday Clock.png 361 × 415; 56 KB
- About website of The Invading Sea.png 800 × 343; 126 KB
- Above.png 500 × 375; 173 KB
- Acceptance on behalf of the United States of America.png 448 × 306; 62 KB
- Act now for a livable future.png 501 × 275; 272 KB
- Acting on Climate Change.png 402 × 139; 109 KB
- Acting to make a positive difference - in St Petersburg Florida.png 600 × 723; 645 KB
- Aerial-storm-by-Santiago-Borja.jpg 632 × 356; 39 KB
- Afghanistan, US to withdraw.jpg 651 × 787; 121 KB
- Ag production and GHG emissions.jpg 680 × 510; 33 KB
- Against the Tide - Cover - by Cornelia Dean.jpg 308 × 475; 57 KB
- Alaska Willow - March 12 2023.png 576 × 230; 99 KB
- Alaska Willow News-March 12 2023.png 576 × 625; 235 KB
- Alexandria-ocasio-cortez-2018.jpg 640 × 386; 33 KB
- Algae release -nikon-small-world-competition-2017-winners.jpg 640 × 576; 89 KB
- All species day with homo sapien in Santa Fe .jpg 640 × 369; 98 KB
- Amazon fires burn across the rainforest.jpg 800 × 504; 76 KB
- American Jobs Act compared w THRIVE Act (Green New Deal).jpg 674 × 798; 90 KB
- Andrew Wheeler confirmed to head EPA.jpg 753 × 600; 85 KB
- Antarctica-2018.jpg 768 × 1,024; 82 KB
- Anthropocene-crutzen.jpg 628 × 347; 79 KB
- Anti science, anti open data - EPA April 2017.png 429 × 616; 198 KB
- AOC 9-29-2020.jpg 532 × 691; 118 KB
- AOC March 26, 2019.jpg 597 × 433; 58 KB
- AOC re climate task force - july 8 2020.jpg 585 × 203; 38 KB
- Apollo 8, Life Jan10,1969.png 480 × 635; 515 KB
- Apollo.jpg 715 × 715; 102 KB
- Aramco profits soar - 2022.png 636 × 684; 373 KB
- Arctic - Kolbert - 2023.png 553 × 476; 274 KB
- Arctic 30.1 C at 62.5 N.jpg 800 × 432; 80 KB
- Arctic annual average temp 1981-2010.jpg 800 × 534; 76 KB
- Arctic heat in Russia-Siberia 2020.gif 784 × 408; 3.6 MB
- Arctic Melt - 1950-2020.png 640 × 349; 287 KB
- Arctic Sea Ice 2015.png 1,008 × 756; 542 KB
- Arctic Sea Ice Area graphic thru 2016.png 640 × 355; 382 KB
- Arctic Siberia Heatwave - Again - June 2021.jpg 640 × 360; 83 KB
- Arctic-100 yrs difference.jpg 640 × 883; 59 KB
- Arctic-March30,2019.jpg 797 × 600; 126 KB
- Arctic-Siberia-6-20-2020.jpg 478 × 644; 148 KB
- Arendt - On truth, constant lying, and results.png 590 × 800; 421 KB
- AskNatureAvatar s.png 200 × 200; 14 KB
- Asteroid Watch JPL.jpg 779 × 312; 113 KB
- Astro POV - Mike Massimino - PlanetCitizen.png 800 × 466; 792 KB
- Astro Samantha.png 448 × 266; 78 KB
- At Poynter, St Petersburg, Florida.png 640 × 345; 555 KB
- Atmosphere Science.jpg 800 × 600; 45 KB
- Atmospheric Experiment of Humanity.jpg 519 × 574; 201 KB
- AU Too Hot.png 640 × 413; 286 KB
- August 6, 1945.jpg 800 × 362; 121 KB
- Aurora Time.png 829 × 780; 544 KB
- B-21 Raider.jpg 789 × 515; 98 KB
- Bamboo-800x150.jpg 800 × 150; 34 KB
- Banking - finance - climate - Mann-1.jpg 452 × 640; 162 KB
- Banking - finance - climate - Mann-2.jpg 452 × 640; 164 KB
- Barrier island hubris 6-29-2021.jpg 490 × 635; 111 KB
- Battle for Democracy.jpg 640 × 123; 24 KB
- Be a planet citizen, make a choice, act to reduce climate change.jpg 1,024 × 595; 60 KB
- Be Worried, Be Very Worried.jpg 400 × 533; 211 KB
- BeltandRoad-EnvironmentalRisks.jpg 640 × 472; 80 KB
- Berkeley Earth Sciences-NASA Data Sets Mission Feb2017.jpg 582 × 437; 73 KB
- Bernie Sanders, Senate 2.PNG 800 × 517; 379 KB
- Bernie Sanders, Senate Aug 3.PNG 800 × 518; 388 KB
- Biden - clean energy ambitions.JPG 640 × 334; 31 KB
- Biden - will we choose democracy.png 448 × 168; 30 KB
- Biden announces EV policies - Aug 2021.jpg 600 × 604; 112 KB
- Biden delivers voting rights speech in Atlanta.png 600 × 679; 387 KB
- Biden introduces leadership team - Nov 24 2020.jpg 800 × 644; 173 KB
- Biden re Earth Day 2023.png 640 × 400; 155 KB
- Biden selects Kerry as special climate envoy.jpg 592 × 505; 87 KB
- Biden urged to act - Oct 18 2021 - The Guardian.png 663 × 600; 497 KB
- Biden voting rights speech attacked by McConnell.png 600 × 321; 142 KB
- Biden voting rights support fading.png 600 × 682; 386 KB
- Biden's assembled an all-star climate team 4-21-2021.jpg 682 × 732; 309 KB
- Biden-Harris, CNN News Online - Nov 8, 2020.jpg 800 × 484; 114 KB
- Biden-January 27 2021-Environment Day 1-News headlines.jpg 800 × 673; 122 KB
- Biden-January 27 2021-Environment Day 1.jpg 800 × 500; 80 KB
- Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force on Climate.jpg 701 × 780; 139 KB
- Big Oil Rocked by News May 27 2021.jpg 639 × 600; 84 KB
- Big Wobble 2020.jpg 507 × 342; 79 KB
- Biggest climate related legislation in history - 1.png 800 × 188; 68 KB
- Bill Nelson on Global Temp Rise and Climate Change.png 640 × 353; 100 KB
- Bill Nye The Planet's on Fire.jpg 800 × 675; 106 KB
- Bill-Perry-is-terrified.-Why-arent-you Jan2016.png 768 × 440; 109 KB
- Bioneers - LDF-One Earth Plan.png 800 × 716; 781 KB
- BlackRock CEO says the climate crisis is about to trigger.jpg 594 × 510; 105 KB
- BlackRock on financial security and climate.jpg 508 × 789; 147 KB
- Blinken-Lavrov - Jan 21 2022.jpg 600 × 600; 117 KB
- Blissfully-Unaware.png 573 × 534; 67 KB
- Bloomberg Carbon Clock 10-26-2021 8-47-05 AM EST.png 800 × 195; 356 KB
- Bloomberg Live Climate Data Dashboard.jpg 640 × 756; 156 KB
- Blue Marble photo - Apollo 17.jpg 642 × 605; 129 KB
- Blue Marble photo taken by the crew of Apollo 17 (1972).jpg 642 × 605; 129 KB
- BMW-Solar Charging Point.jpg 537 × 357; 54 KB
- Boom, SUNRISE.jpg 1,024 × 682; 24 KB
- BP profit 14 yr high - Aug 2022.png 640 × 212; 63 KB
- Breakpoint - Reckoning with America's Environmental Crisis.jpg 329 × 500; 49 KB
- Bridenstine talks.png 1,485 × 911; 223 KB
- Brief History of Carbon Emissions as of 2016.png 770 × 425; 342 KB
- Bucky Trimtab.jpg 348 × 336; 88 KB
- Bug eyes in the rainforest canopy Photo by Don Perry-2.jpg 300 × 576; 24 KB
- Bulletin from the Los Alamos Study Group - August 2022.png 800 × 561; 559 KB
- Burning the Data.png 640 × 597; 434 KB
- Burst of climate denial as Trump presidency ends.jpg 632 × 604; 92 KB
- C02 in atmosphere chart-3.png 570 × 800; 133 KB
- California's kelp forests and coastal biodiversity diminished.png 532 × 754; 307 KB
- Canary - 1.jpg 448 × 901; 144 KB
- Canary - 2.png 446 × 531; 264 KB
- Candle for St Francis, patron saint of ecology - 2.png 148 × 255; 51 KB
- Car heating and cooling.png 465 × 635; 261 KB
- Carbon Brief - Greenhouse gas levels 2021.png 640 × 436; 292 KB
- Carbon Footprint - BP-McKibben-Solnit-Aug2021.jpg 516 × 264; 66 KB
- Carbon Mapper - Launch - April 2021.jpg 800 × 323; 92 KB
- Carbon-footprint small or large.jpg 149 × 258; 0 bytes
- Cardinal directions m.png 250 × 250; 20 KB
- Caribbean Sea hot - June night 2024.png 676 × 600; 386 KB
- Carl Sagan at the Emerging Issues Forum - 1990.png 360 × 460; 192 KB
- Carl Sagan at the Emerging Issues Forum.png 747 × 600; 600 KB
- Carl Sagan, 1985.PNG 480 × 566; 331 KB
- Carl Sagan, the atmosphere unifies and connects all of our world.png 360 × 390; 229 KB
- Caroline Lucas-Green New Deal.jpg 584 × 391; 71 KB
- Cassidy Hutchinson testifies at Congressional committee hearing.png 640 × 447; 200 KB
- Celebrating 50 Years of Landsat.png 600 × 610; 909 KB
- CFSV2 world temp July 3, 2023.png 600 × 800; 513 KB
- CH4 graph - 1980-2020.JPG 640 × 446; 22 KB
- Change.jpg 800 × 473; 73 KB
- Changes in carbon dioxide per 1000 years - via Climate Central.jpg 682 × 424; 34 KB
- Charles Bolden.jpg 575 × 449; 153 KB
- ChatGPT talks of fighting climate denialism.png 707 × 747; 239 KB
- China and the Taliban mtg - July 2021.JPG 640 × 480; 105 KB
- China Record Heat - August 2022.png 800 × 1,343; 812 KB
- China's New Roads.jpg 630 × 357; 23 KB
- China-US accord, Nov 2014 s.jpg 348 × 232; 28 KB
- Christina Korp Earth Day and Apollo 8.jpg 519 × 264; 80 KB
- Citizens Climate Lobby - Save Our Future Act 2021.jpg 518 × 262; 77 KB
- Citizens Climate Lobby - Tampa Bay.jpg 586 × 515; 125 KB
- Climate Action 25th conf in Madrid.jpg 680 × 510; 22 KB
- Climate Action is race against time.png 629 × 643; 204 KB
- Climate action m.jpg 443 × 380; 42 KB
- Climate Action-Bloomberg-Brown July2017.png 448 × 240; 60 KB
- Climate activist - Steven Schmidt - 1978 on.png 600 × 480; 174 KB
- Climate and National Security.jpg 603 × 533; 157 KB
- Climate Books - 2020.jpg 800 × 450; 69 KB
- Climate cases on the rise - Nature, Sept 2021.png 800 × 562; 181 KB
- Climate Central graph-800000 yrs of CO2.jpg 800 × 613; 52 KB
- Climate Central.jpg 562 × 398; 70 KB
- Climate Change Conf Nov 6-17.png 464 × 488; 107 KB
- Climate Change COP27 - Nov 11 2022 US Representatives.jpg 712 × 444; 54 KB
- Climate Change COP27 - Nov 11 Kathy Castor.jpg 712 × 710; 77 KB
- Climate Change debate-by demanding balance.png 550 × 437; 245 KB
- Climate Change from Space - Climate Kit via ESA - 2022.png 800 × 421; 651 KB
- Climate Change Laws - database collaboration.png 640 × 271; 76 KB
- Climate Change Laws of the World - database.PNG 768 × 845; 383 KB
- Climate Change Litigation Databases Climate Law.png 800 × 330; 73 KB
- Climate Change Poses a Widening Threat to National Security.png 600 × 781; 310 KB
- Climate change unique threat to national security.png 800 × 42; 20 KB
- Climate Change US EPA.jpg 600 × 703; 95 KB
- Climate Conferences 1979-2020.jpg 768 × 768; 121 KB
- Climate Crisis - Emily Atkin Heated No. 1.jpg 537 × 453; 61 KB
- Climate Crisis and the Global Green New Deal.jpg 293 × 418; 33 KB
- Climate debate.jpg 493 × 580; 129 KB
- Climate Desk.jpg 390 × 226; 21 KB
- Climate diplomacy is failing - June 2020.jpg 592 × 440; 71 KB
- Climate Emergency Institute - Oct 2022.png 610 × 600; 274 KB
- Climate Emergency Institute -- 2021.jpg 800 × 450; 55 KB
- Climate emergency.jpg 800 × 450; 69 KB
- Climate Goals off course - 2018.png 800 × 556; 214 KB
- Climate Headline News around the World - July 2023.jpg 600 × 704; 151 KB
- Climate Lawsuit-Our Childrens Trust-Florida.png 462 × 760; 289 KB
- Climate Models.png 639 × 558; 123 KB
- Climate News - Oct 28 2022.jpg 626 × 600; 88 KB
- Climate News - United Nations Report - Feb 2022.png 768 × 878; 539 KB
- Climate News Dec 4 2023 in Dubai.png 800 × 1,037; 649 KB
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