GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2013

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Top page posts in 2013

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November/December 2013


Good Government & the Digital Era

"What good governance and the good society look like is now inextricably linked to an understanding of the digital."

-- Tim O'Reilly

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Digital Rights / Digital Security / Open Forum on Twitter

Open Government/Digital Services



Let the Sunshine in -- using the power of the Internet to deliver greater government openness and transparency Sunlight Foundation; Sunlight Online

Open States searchable database to check on U.S. state government representatives Open States: US Political Data 50 States 'Open States'

Introducing 'The Congress App' for iOS and Android Congress iOS app Sunlight on Congress

Money, Politics & Transparency Project / [1] online resource following global developments in money and politics.

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A Model for Regional/Local Approaches to Climate Change - Pacific Coast Action Plan on Climate & Energy - PDF

California out in front on green initiatives

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California and Maryland Step It Up

Maryland Advances Climate/Energy Plan... competes with California and Massachusetts in emission reduction goals...
Maryland Governor O' Malley Unveils Strong Plan To Fight Climate Change [2]

Maryland Governor sends a message to the Democratic Party and ups ante for reduction of statewide greenhouse gases. Stating that "we trust in the fierce urgency of now," Maryland's Gov. proposes to reduce economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions 25 percent by 2020 and state policy proposals include accelerating state clean energy and efficiency goals. "We move forward, not back..." :Climate Change Maryland site - Maryland Plans/PDF

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Half of North America bird species at risk of extinction due to climate change

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"The bigger extinction picture is dire according to scientific research. As reported by the Institute for Biological Diversity"

...our planet is now in the midst of its sixth mass extinction of plants and animals.

The sixth wave of extinctions we're currently experiencing is the worst spate of species die-offs since the loss of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago.

How You Can Help Protect Species

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Earth Observations

Unprecedented 21st century drought risk in the American Southwest and Central Plains

Drought -- Historic-drought (climate change warning)

  • California aquifers at risk [3]
  • Five Maps of U.S. Drought [4]

California's emergency measures [5] [6]

  • California's drought is being billed as the driest period in the state's recorded rainfall history ...
  • California is coming off its driest year since record-keeping began in the 1800s
  • Never in the State Water Project's 54-year history has there been zero water allocation
  • California Drought: The Worst Yet To Come?
  • Historic California drought called a red flag for future of US (+video)
  • NASA [7]

Sources, click thru (PDF)

Climate Change and California's epic drought [8]

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Climate Extremes are Unprecedented - BBC Global News [9] Warmest decade in 2001-2010, WMO survey shows

Water Alert - US Groundwater Depletion "accelerating", May 2013 [10] / Water Stress - NatGeo US [11]

Climate Change / US Drought Monitor [12]


History-making drought conditions - new water conservation measures announced

TX [13]
TX [14]
NM [15]
NM [16]
NM [17]
UT [18]
Colorado River watershed Aug 2014 [19]
Southwest [20]
Southwest [21]
Midwest/Aquifers [22]
National Water Resources Information [23]
Nationally - two thirds of the country in drought conditions, one third severe [24]
National - Maps/Infographics [25]
Dust-bowl proportions [26]
US gov monitoring drought conditions [27]
US drought designations as of June 2013 PDF

International - July 2013: The Guardian

Global - July 2013: Latest NOAA Climatic Data Center report shows *global* June 2013 temperatures as 5th highest on record (summary at [28]). First half of 2013 (Jan–Jun) 7th warmest on record.

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More GP360/eOS Networking

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The Bioneers is a network of social and scientific innovators with practical and visionary solutions for the world’s most pressing environmental and social challenges.

A celebration of the genius of nature and human ingenuity, the Bioneers Annual Conference is in its 25th year in 2014! Congratulations Bioneers!!

It’s the moment of truth to turn vision into action

[29] [30] [31] [32]

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Here's to growing the MediaWiki 'Appropriate Technology' community. We're looking forward at Green Policy to growing our connections with Appropedia.

Take an Up Close Look at Appropedia if you haven't already... thousands upon thousands of sustainable, forward thinking green projects for each and every community... Join in! Model projects welcome. Cultivate, grow, nurture and spread new ideas...

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Appropriate tech: Engineering for Change - E4C provides a forum to connect, collaborate, solve challenges and share knowledge among engineers, technologists, social scientists, NGOs, local governments and community advocates dedicated to improving the quality of life -- helpful engineers w/o borders

Engineering for Change

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AskNature -- a free, open source project, built by and for the community. Biomimicry Institute - -

AskNature is the world’s most comprehensive catalog of nature’s solutions to human design challenges. A one-of-a-kind online library features free information on natural phenomena and bio-inspired/biomimicry applications... [33]

The goal of this eResource is to make the act of asking nature for “advice” a smart part of the innovation process. Be inspired to create life-friendly technologies that are healthy for people and the planet.

Biomimicry (from bios, meaning life, and mimesis, meaning to imitate) is a design discipline that seeks sustainable solutions. Nature’s time-tested patterns and strategies are a guide... [34]

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Plant a Tree !

... and Watch for Tree-huggers!

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-- #PlanetCitizen #PlanetEarth

-- #Earth360 #EarthPOV #EarthObservations #EarthScience

-- #HumanEvolution #ParadigmShift #WorldView #CognitiveShift

-- #EcologyStudies #EnvironmentalImpact #EnvironmentalSecurity #Sustainability 

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Green Networking

Planet Citizen, a Forward-looking Vision

A Vision of Dynamic Change


Hello Earth

Thin Blue Layer

Overview Effect

Orbital Perspective

Citizen Science

Planet Scientist

Planet Citizens, Planet Scientists

Planet API

Environmental Security - New Definitions

New Definitions of National Security

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a Pale Blue Dot

suspended in a sunbeam

the Earth is where we make our stand

to cherish and protect

the only home we've ever known

-- Carl Sagan

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