Category:Global Warming
Global Warming Science, When Did the Science on Climate Change Start, an Introduction by GreenPolicy360's founder:
In the mid-1960s, a man who was trained in science and physics, and who was an engineer who became a politician in East Los Angeles, California, explained to me that the health impacts of LA's smog were dire, especially for children. Pollution, emissions into the lower atmosphere, were severe and consequences on health were more than evident, they were an epidemic that had turned the LA basin into a pollution/smog 'capital of the world'.
The newly elected Congressman went on to explain the air quality was not just a local problem that needed to be 'fixed', but that the larger questions of industrial pollution needed to be addressed. He said we needed science, a major scientific mobilization to provide the atmospheric science and the data needed. George Brown spoke of solutions to the problems of pollution. He spoke of health and life.
Representative Brown and I became friends, then colleagues in our work over decades. Our paths and politics intertwined and our stories, which I am venturing to tell here at GreenPolicy360, reveal elements of a green first generation, an environmental movement in action.
George Brown played historic roles in advancing Earth science, climate change science, atmospheric science and Earth system. He became a leader, a mover and shaker in Congress from the 1960s thru the 1990s. He envisioned, coordinated and, as a member/chair of Earth science, space and technology committee work, acted created the first national climate plan, the EPA, a slate of foundational environmental law, and a constellation of NASA missions, including Landsat, that are still providing critical data to this day. The Earth Observing System, the Earth Information Center, a vast array of programs and projects measuring/monitoring Earth systems continuing are a legacy of a special person, George E Brown, who passed away in Washington DC in 1999.
He was looking forward to the 21st Century....
Let's start a Global Warming and Climate Change page here with George's life and work.
Advancing an Intergenerational Science Mission
Earth Right Now -- the Earth System Observatory
Global Warming, an Update with CERESMIP
Climate modeling protocol to investigate 'Earth's Energy Imbalance' (global warming)
July 2023
The Earth's Energy Imbalance (EEI) refers to an imbalance between how much solar radiant energy is absorbed by Earth and how much thermal infrared radiation is emitted to space (Stephens et al., 2012; Trenberth and Cheng, 2022; von Schuckmann et al., 2023). Assuming constant atmospheric composition, a positive EEI would imply increasing global mean temperature, sea level rise, further heating within the ocean and land, and melting of snow and sea ice (Masson-Delmotte et al., 2021). As such, EEI is a key metric for detecting ongoing anthropogenic climate change and assessing the causes (e.g., Hansen et al., 1988, 2005). Climate models have long predicted that the increases in well-mixed greenhouse gases would cause an increasing net energy imbalance for the planet, a prediction that was borne out with the observed increases in ocean heat content (e.g., Levitus et al., 2001; Meehl et al., 2005; Donohoe et al., 2014; von Schuckmann et al., 2016; Hakuba et al., 2021; Cheng et al., 2022). Over the period 1970-2020, the EEI is estimated to have been 0.48 ± 0.1W m−2 (von Schuckmann et al., 2023), with a clear acceleration seen over the last two decades.
US 'Big Science', Global Environmental & Climate Change, Vision, Mission, and Strategic Planning
- Steve Schmidt/SJS: With memories of the Big Science vision of Rep. George E. Brown with his goal of studying and understanding "our changing planet"
The U.S. Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) is a federal program mandated by Congress to coordinate federal research and investments in understanding the forces shaping the global environment, both human and natural, and their impacts on society. USGCRP facilitates collaboration and cooperation across its 14 federal member agencies to advance understanding of the changing Earth system and maximize efficiencies in federal global change research.
Together, USGCRP and its member agencies provide a gateway to authoritative science, tools, and resources to help people and organizations across the country manage risks and respond to changing environmental conditions.
- Global Warming & Climate Change
- 🌎 'Oh, Scalia, Oh, SCOTUS'
Earth's Atmosphere
Our Generational Responsibility as #Planet Citizens
Start here...
A century-scale rise in average temperature of the Earth's climate system, the global, escalating effects & environmental impacts
Multiple lines of scientific evidence show that the climate system is warming. Although the increase of near-surface atmospheric temperature is the measure of global warming often reported in the popular press, most of the additional energy stored in the climate system since 1970 has gone into ocean warming. The remainder has melted ice and warmed the continents and atmosphere.
- SJS / Siterunner: As many of us point to the 1960s and 70s for the green political beginnings of the modern environmental movement, and the first widely reported public climate debates over the science of global warming and climate change, the first reports of the potential danger of climate warming go back to the turn of the century and even further in terms of basic science. Take a look at this news report from Australia in 1912 (as verified by Snopes fact-checking) --
Looking to the beginnings of U.S. study and action on climate change and global warming. Congressman George E. Brown, who goes on to become chair of the House Science & Technology Committee in a thirty year Congressional career, authors a historic climate action initiative...
National Climate Program Act, 1978
Energy and Climate Report, 1977, National Academy of Sciences / 175 pp. / PDF via GreenPolicy360
In the decade after the original Energy and Climate Report and the first National Climate Program Act start up, a Reagan-era challenges government earth science missions. The Landsat mission is threatened by presidential budget with elimination. Congressman Brown acts to save Landsat's whole earth observation as a central dynamic data resource.
Congressman Brown from California, a trained physicist/engineer and his team (including the current GreenPolicy360 siterunner) push for more earth science missions and data on which to base forward-looking, progressive policy decisions..
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- Ten years after the the National Climate Program Act was drafted by Representative Brown that officially began the federal government's study and action on global warming / climate change, its impacts and risks, a scientists's testimony before the US Senate sent news headlines across the media.
July 2023 Update
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Read more on Global Warming/Climate Change @GreenPolicy360
Earth Science Research from Space
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What we’re doing to the Earth has no parallel in 66 million years, scientists say
"If you dig deep enough into the Earth’s climate change archives, you hear about the Palaeocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, or PETM. And then you get scared.
"This is a time period, about 56 million years ago, when something mysterious happened — there are many ideas as to what — that suddenly caused concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to spike, far higher than they are right now. The planet proceeded to warm rapidly, at least in geologic terms, and major die-offs of some marine organisms followed due to strong acidification of the oceans...."
Carl Sagan, Warning of Global Warming, 1985
1970s/1980s, Remembering the Beginnings of Earth Science/Climate Science and Environmental Protection Movement
SJS/GreenPolicy360: "We are the first generation to scientifically and systemically monitor the 'Vital Signs' of the Earth...
Let us work now to expand our vision and act to protect Earth's living systems. The well-being of future generations is in our hands."
This category has the following 18 subcategories, out of 18 total.
Pages in category "Global Warming"
The following 132 pages are in this category, out of 132 total.
- California Global Warming Solutions Act
- California out in front in a Green future
- Carbon Brief
- Christianity and Climate Change Belief or Disbelief
- Citizens Climate Lobby
- Climate Change - Global Warming Keyword-Terms
- Climate Change Denier Talking Points -- and Rebuttals
- Climate Change Summit Paris
- Climate Desk
- Climate Law Blog @Columbia Law School
- Climate migration
- Climate News
- Climate News Events Archive ... 1970 to Today
- Climate Plans Enforcement - Resources
- Climate Problems, Climate Solutions
- Climate Resilience Toolkit-USA.GOV-NOAA-NASA
- Copernicus EU
- Each of us can make a positive difference
- Earth and Space, Politics
- Earth Day 2020
- Earth Day Memories on the 50th Anniversary
- Earth Day Summit - April 22 2021
- Earth from NASA
- Earth Right Now
- Earth Science Research from Space
- EarthTime
- Eco-economic Decoupling
- Eco-nomics
- Ecolivia
- Environmental agreements
- Environmental Law, Rollbacks under Trump 2016-20
- Environmental Laws and Modern Environmental Movement
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Environmental Rules Rolled Back
- ESA Living Planet Announcement - May 2022
- Ethics and Climate Change
- European Union Green Deal - Fit for 55
- ExxonMobil and US House Science Committee v US Attorneys General and Environmental Groups
- Generation Green
- George E. Brown Jr
- Glasgow Climate Summit - Pledges, Promises, Declarations - What's Next Up
- Global Climate Action Summit
- Global warming
- Going Green: Texas v. Pennsylvania
- Google Earth Timelapse
- Governor Jerry Brown
- Green Bank in Maryland - and More
- Green Education
- Green Futurist Literary Writers
- Green New Deal
- Green Politics 360
- Green Stories of the Day
- Green Stories of the Day - GreenPolicy360 Archive
- Greening Our Blue Planet
- GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2013
- GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2014
- GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2015
- GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2016
- GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2017
- GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2018
- GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2019
- GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2020
- GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2021
- GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2022
- GreenPolicy360 Archive Highlights 2023
Media in category "Global Warming"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 1,114 total.
(previous page) (next page)- 1977 from the Office of Science and Technology Policy.jpg 661 × 711; 177 KB
- 2017 second hottest on record.png 800 × 674; 659 KB
- 2020 record temperatures.png 800 × 502; 358 KB
- 3M lawsuit re forever chemicals - June 2023.png 603 × 600; 357 KB
- 7-20-2020 GreenPolicy360 RT No.2.jpg 591 × 510; 125 KB
- A 'green Pope', an 'eco-encyclical'.png 446 × 315; 66 KB
- A Brief History of the Future - 2s.jpg 448 × 309; 70 KB
- A Fierce Green Fire.jpg 208 × 314; 13 KB
- A Flash of Green by John D. MacDonald.jpg 400 × 400; 55 KB
- A Planet Citizen View.png 799 × 1,241; 1.64 MB
- A scorching year, what about the 360 warming data.jpg 600 × 706; 106 KB
- About Baselines and Change.png 592 × 312; 33 KB
- About website of The Invading Sea.png 800 × 343; 126 KB
- Acceptance on behalf of the United States of America.png 448 × 306; 62 KB
- Act now for a livable future.png 501 × 275; 272 KB
- Acting on Climate Change.png 402 × 139; 109 KB
- Ag production and GHG emissions.jpg 680 × 510; 33 KB
- Against the Tide by Cornelia Dean.jpg 600 × 800; 265 KB
- Against-The-Tide.jpg 268 × 400; 40 KB
- Air pollution moves globally.png 620 × 412; 256 KB
- Alaska Willow - March 12 2023.png 576 × 230; 99 KB
- Alaska Willow News-March 12 2023.png 576 × 625; 235 KB
- Alexandria-ocasio-cortez-2018.jpg 640 × 386; 33 KB
- Along Comes a Writer.png 600 × 148; 36 KB
- Amazon fires burn across the rainforest.jpg 800 × 504; 76 KB
- American Jobs Act compared w THRIVE Act (Green New Deal).jpg 674 × 798; 90 KB
- Andrew Wheeler - EPA chief-coal industry lobbyist.jpg 640 × 352; 33 KB
- Andrew Wheeler confirmed to head EPA.jpg 753 × 600; 85 KB
- Another year, another record.png 800 × 294; 251 KB
- Antarctic sea ice 1989-2023 chart as of July2023.png 640 × 433; 294 KB
- Antarctica ice losses chart-NASA re study.jpg 800 × 450; 43 KB
- Antarctica-2018.jpg 768 × 1,024; 82 KB
- Anti science, anti open data - EPA April 2017.png 429 × 616; 198 KB
- AOC March 26, 2019.jpg 597 × 433; 58 KB
- AOC re climate task force - july 8 2020.jpg 585 × 203; 38 KB
- Aquifers globalstudy 2015.png 668 × 451; 299 KB
- Aramco profits soar - 2022.png 636 × 684; 373 KB
- Arctic - Antarctic - Breaking.png 639 × 600; 903 KB
- Arctic - Kolbert - 2023.png 553 × 476; 274 KB
- Arctic 2018, It's only the weather.png 631 × 547; 324 KB
- Arctic 30.1 C at 62.5 N.jpg 800 × 432; 80 KB
- Arctic annual average temp 1981-2010.jpg 800 × 534; 76 KB
- Arctic CAB sea ice monitor-Feb 2018 update (2013-2018).jpg 640 × 400; 28 KB
- Arctic drilling ban Dec 21, 2016.png 692 × 536; 119 KB
- Arctic heat in Russia-Siberia 2020.gif 784 × 408; 3.6 MB
- Arctic ice Sep 1984 - Sep 2016 vid.png 640 × 322; 308 KB
- Arctic ice trendline.jpg 448 × 252; 10 KB
- Arctic Ice-old ice being lost.png 538 × 480; 388 KB
- Arctic is in Crisis.png 800 × 432; 770 KB
- Arctic Melt - 1950-2020.png 640 × 349; 287 KB
- Arctic Sea Ice - Feb 25, 2018.png 506 × 674; 297 KB
- Arctic Sea Ice Area graphic thru 2016.png 640 × 355; 382 KB
- Arctic Sea Ice Feb 2018 NASA.jpg 640 × 360; 65 KB
- Arctic Siberia Heatwave - Again - June 2021.jpg 640 × 360; 83 KB
- Arctic wildfires-July 2019-NOAA.jpg 640 × 650; 136 KB
- Arctic wildfires-July 2019.jpg 656 × 475; 80 KB
- Arctic-100 yrs difference.jpg 640 × 883; 59 KB
- Arctic-March30,2019.jpg 797 × 600; 126 KB
- Arctic-Siberia-6-20-2020.jpg 478 × 644; 148 KB
- Arctic-swipa-spm.pdf ; 4.58 MB
- Arctic1 by Timo Lieber 800x480.jpg 800 × 480; 158 KB
- Arctic2 by Timo Lieber 768x768.jpg 768 × 768; 241 KB
- Arctic2500 by Timo Lieber.jpg 1,900 × 1,140; 815 KB
- Arctic3 by Timo Lieber 768x768.jpg 768 × 768; 175 KB
- Arctic4 by Timo Lieber 768x768.jpg 768 × 768; 257 KB
- Arctic6 by Timo Lieber 768x768.jpg 768 × 768; 256 KB
- Arctic7 by Timo Lieber 768x768.jpg 768 × 768; 183 KB
- Arctic8 by Timo Lieber 768x768.jpg 768 × 768; 324 KB
- AskNatureAvatar s.png 200 × 200; 14 KB
- Astro POV - Mike Massimino - PlanetCitizen.png 800 × 466; 792 KB
- Astro Samantha.png 448 × 266; 78 KB
- Atmosphere Science.jpg 800 × 600; 45 KB
- Atmospheric Experiment of Humanity.jpg 519 × 574; 201 KB
- AU Too Hot.png 640 × 413; 286 KB
- August 14, 1912.jpg 278 × 436; 39 KB
- AWI AR5 new SD.png 640 × 459; 138 KB
- Back I say, Back.png 448 × 296; 210 KB
- Bad times 2020 a wordcloud via Washington Post.jpg 640 × 371; 59 KB
- Banking - finance - climate - Mann-1.jpg 452 × 640; 162 KB
- Banking - finance - climate - Mann-2.jpg 452 × 640; 164 KB
- Battle for Democracy.jpg 640 × 123; 24 KB
- Be a planet citizen, make a choice, act to reduce climate change.jpg 1,024 × 595; 60 KB
- Ben Santer to Pruitt March 2017.png 506 × 420; 0 bytes
- Bernie Sanders, Senate 2.PNG 800 × 517; 379 KB
- Bernie Sanders, Senate Aug 3.PNG 800 × 518; 388 KB
- Beyond ludicrous politics in Florida March2015.png 761 × 251; 30 KB
- Biden - clean energy ambitions.JPG 640 × 334; 31 KB
- Biden announces EV policies - Aug 2021.jpg 600 × 604; 112 KB
- Biden introduces leadership team - Nov 24 2020.jpg 800 × 644; 173 KB
- Biden re Earth Day 2023.png 640 × 400; 155 KB
- Biden selects Kerry as special climate envoy.jpg 592 × 505; 87 KB
- Biden urged to act - Oct 18 2021 - The Guardian.png 663 × 600; 497 KB
- Biden's assembled an all-star climate team 4-21-2021.jpg 682 × 732; 309 KB
- Biden-Harris, CNN News Online - Nov 8, 2020.jpg 800 × 484; 114 KB
- Biden-January 27 2021-Environment Day 1-News headlines.jpg 800 × 673; 122 KB
- Biden-January 27 2021-Environment Day 1.jpg 800 × 500; 80 KB
- Biden-Sanders Unity Task Force on Climate.jpg 701 × 780; 139 KB
- Big Oil Rocked by News May 27 2021.jpg 639 × 600; 84 KB
- Big Wobble 2020.jpg 507 × 342; 79 KB
- Biggest climate related legislation in history - 1.png 800 × 188; 68 KB
- Bill McKibben switches gears-Sept 2021.jpg 518 × 265; 78 KB
- Bill McKibben to next generations.JPG 700 × 700; 203 KB
- Bill Nelson on Global Temp Rise and Climate Change.png 640 × 353; 100 KB
- Bill Nye explains.jpg 543 × 508; 88 KB
- Bill Nye The Planet's on Fire.jpg 800 × 675; 106 KB
- Bioneers 2023 - ThirdAct.Org.jpg 624 × 600; 145 KB
- Bioneers Conf 2021- Buckminster Fuller Instit joins.png 469 × 586; 599 KB
- Bioneers Lyons, Kucinich, DiCaprio 247x225 Sept2014NYC.jpg 247 × 225; 16 KB
- Bioneers-Hawken-Being Fierce and Fearless.jpg 751 × 685; 130 KB
- Biophysical changes forever.png 600 × 148; 15 KB
- BlackRock CEO says the climate crisis is about to trigger.jpg 594 × 510; 105 KB
- BlackRock on financial security and climate.jpg 508 × 789; 147 KB
- Bloomberg Carbon Clock 10-26-2021 8-47-05 AM EST.png 800 × 195; 356 KB
- Bloomberg Live Climate Data Dashboard.jpg 640 × 756; 156 KB
- Blue atmosphere from Astro Wheelock.jpg 800 × 532; 16 KB
- Blue fragile edge thin blue line.jpg 1,200 × 798; 26 KB
- Blue Marble photo taken by the crew of Apollo 17 (1972).jpg 642 × 605; 129 KB
- BP profit 14 yr high - Aug 2022.png 640 × 212; 63 KB
- Breakpoint - Reckoning with America's Environmental Crisis.jpg 329 × 500; 49 KB
- Bridenstine talks.png 1,485 × 911; 223 KB
- Bucky Trimtab.jpg 348 × 336; 88 KB
- Bug eyes in the rainforest canopy Photo by Don Perry-2.jpg 300 × 576; 24 KB
- Burning the Data.png 640 × 597; 434 KB
- Burst of climate denial as Trump presidency ends.jpg 632 × 604; 92 KB
- California AB197 2016.pdf ; 76 KB
- California at the forefront of US environmental policies.png 600 × 450; 50 KB
- California's kelp forests and coastal biodiversity diminished.png 532 × 754; 307 KB
- California-Jerry Brown Sept 2016.png 640 × 291; 326 KB
- Canary - 1.jpg 448 × 901; 144 KB
- Canary - 2.png 446 × 531; 264 KB
- Car heating and cooling.png 465 × 635; 261 KB
- Carbon Brief - Greenhouse gas levels 2021.png 640 × 436; 292 KB
- Carbon Clock March 23, 2017.png 800 × 194; 44 KB
- Cardinal directions m.png 250 × 250; 20 KB
- Caribbean Sea hot - June night 2024.png 676 × 600; 386 KB
- Carl Sagan at the Emerging Issues Forum - 1990.png 360 × 460; 192 KB
- Carl Sagan at the Emerging Issues Forum.png 747 × 600; 600 KB
- Carl Sagan, 1985.PNG 480 × 566; 331 KB
- Carl Sagan, the atmosphere unifies and connects all of our world.png 360 × 390; 229 KB
- Caroline Lucas-Green New Deal.jpg 584 × 391; 71 KB
- CCI-June29,2016.png 760 × 902; 201 KB
- CCS issues via Guardian opinion - July 2022.png 648 × 326; 83 KB
- CFCs then HFCs.png 800 × 382; 169 KB
- CFSV2 world temp July 3, 2023.png 600 × 800; 513 KB
- CH4 graph - 1980-2020.JPG 640 × 446; 22 KB
- Change.jpg 800 × 473; 73 KB
- Changes in carbon dioxide per 1000 years - via Climate Central.jpg 682 × 424; 34 KB
- Chasing Coral.jpg 800 × 437; 65 KB
- ChatGPT talks of fighting climate denialism.png 707 × 747; 239 KB
- China Record Heat - August 2022.png 800 × 1,343; 812 KB
- Christina Korp Earth Day and Apollo 8.jpg 519 × 264; 80 KB
- Citizens Climate Lobby - Save Our Future Act 2021.jpg 518 × 262; 77 KB
- Citizens Climate Lobby - Tampa Bay.jpg 586 × 515; 125 KB
- Clean energy.png 600 × 149; 16 KB
- Cleantech is a winning issue, own it.png 600 × 283; 0 bytes
- Climate Action 25th conf in Madrid.jpg 680 × 510; 22 KB
- Climate Action is race against time.png 629 × 643; 204 KB
- Climate action isn't 'bunny hugging' says Boris.jpg 800 × 264; 95 KB
- Climate Action-Bloomberg-Brown July2017.png 448 × 240; 60 KB
- Climate activist - Steven Schmidt - 1978 on.png 600 × 480; 174 KB
- Climate and Insurance Gap.jpg 640 × 392; 47 KB
- Climate Books - 2020.jpg 800 × 450; 69 KB
- Climate cases on the rise - Nature, Sept 2021.png 800 × 562; 181 KB
- Climate Change Agr Nov 4, 2016.png 800 × 523; 296 KB
- Climate Change Conf Nov 6-17.png 464 × 488; 107 KB
- Climate Change COP27 - Nov 11 2022 US Representatives.jpg 712 × 444; 54 KB
- Climate Change COP27 - Nov 11 Kathy Castor.jpg 712 × 710; 77 KB
- Climate Change from Space - Climate Kit via ESA - 2022.png 800 × 421; 651 KB
- Climate change is not moving at a glacial pace.png 448 × 532; 217 KB
- Climate Change Laws - database collaboration.png 640 × 271; 76 KB
- Climate Change Laws of the World - database.PNG 768 × 845; 383 KB
- Climate Change Litigation Databases Climate Law.png 800 × 330; 73 KB
- Climate change unique threat to national security.png 800 × 42; 20 KB
- Climate Change US EPA.jpg 600 × 703; 95 KB
- Climate Conferences 1979-2020.jpg 768 × 768; 121 KB
- Climate course at SDG (2022) recd by Michael E Mann.png 639 × 522; 474 KB
- Climate Crisis - Emily Atkin Heated No. 1.jpg 537 × 453; 61 KB
- Climate Crisis Action Plan-2020.jpg 800 × 359; 72 KB
- Climate Crisis Action Plan-2020.pdf ; 5.39 MB
- Climate Crisis and the Global Green New Deal.jpg 293 × 418; 33 KB
- Climate debate.jpg 493 × 580; 129 KB
- Climate Desk.jpg 390 × 226; 21 KB
- Climate diplomacy is failing - June 2020.jpg 592 × 440; 71 KB
- Climate Emergency Institute - Oct 2022.png 610 × 600; 274 KB
- Climate Emergency Institute -- 2021.jpg 800 × 450; 55 KB
- Climate emergency.jpg 800 × 450; 69 KB
- Climate Goals off course - 2018.png 800 × 556; 214 KB
- Climate Headline News around the World - July 2023.jpg 600 × 704; 151 KB
- Climate Lawsuit-Our Childrens Trust-Florida.png 462 × 760; 289 KB
- Climate Migration Interactive Map.jpg 766 × 719; 58 KB
- Climate Models.png 639 × 558; 123 KB
- Climate News - Oct 28 2022.jpg 626 × 600; 88 KB