Category:Has location
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Pages in category "Has location"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 2,183 total.
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- Beltrami County, MN Communications Tower and Wind Energy Conversion System Ordinance
- Benicia, CA In Support of Clean Money and Fair Elections
- Benicia, CA Regulation of Formula Businesses
- Benin
- Benson, MN Establishing a Renewable Energy Center
- Benton County, OR Bicycle Transportation Plan
- Benton County, OR Multi-Species Habitat Conservation Plan
- Berea College, KY Ecological Design
- Berea College, KY Ecological Machine
- Berea College, KY Entrepreneurship for the Public Good
- Berea College, KY Green and Socially Responsible Purchasing
- Berea College, KY Local Food Initiative
- Berea College, KY Recycling Program
- Berkeley, CA "Stop Cancer Where It Starts"
- Berkeley, CA Actions to Eliminate Anthropogenic Sources of Dioxin Pollution
- Berkeley, CA Anti-War Resolution
- Berkeley, CA Calling for an End to Tax Breaks for Millionaires
- Berkeley, CA Designation as Automatic Aggregator of Electricity
- Berkeley, CA Endorsing Prevention of Farm Animal Cruelty Act
- Berkeley, CA Green Purchasing Policy
- Berkeley, CA Instant Runoff Voting for City Elections
- Berkeley, CA Living Wage
- Berkeley, CA Marijuana Ordinance
- Berkeley, CA Needle Exchange Distribution Program
- Berkeley, CA Nuclear Free Berkeley Act
- Berkeley, CA Opposing Efforts to Impede Local Governments from Regulating GE Plants and Food
- Berkeley, CA Peace and Justice Commission on Becoming a Sanctuary for Conscientious Objectors
- Berkeley, CA Pest Management Policy
- Berkeley, CA Polystyrene Foam, Degradable and Recyclable Food Packaging
- Berkeley, CA Prohibition on Recyclable Poaching
- Berkeley, CA Renewable Energy
- Berkeley, CA Resolution on Corporate Rights
- Berkeley, CA School Board Resolution Against Irradiated Meat
- Berkeley, CA School District Organic and Local Food
- Berkeley, CA Solid Waste Management Commission Becomes Zero Waste Commission
- Berkeley, CA Supporting Debt Cancellation for Impoverished Countries
- Berkeley, CA Unified School District Green Procurement and Sustainable Procedures Policy
- Bernards Township, NJ Farmland Preservation Resolution
- Bethel Township, PA Recycling Ordinance
- Bethlehem, PA Fair Housing
- Bettendorf, IA City Citizen Academy: Bettendorf 101
- Bhutan
- Binghamton, NY Bring the Troops Home
- Binghamton, NY Endorses Climate Protection Agreement
- Binghamton, NY Recycling Enhancement Program
- Birmingham Township, PA Environmental Stream Team
- Bismarck, ND Creating a Human Relations Commission
- Black Hills State University, SD Sustainability Initiatives
- Black River Falls, WI Regulation of Neighborhood Electric Vehicles
- Blacksburg, VA Task Force on Climate Protection and Sustainability
- Bloomington, IL Special Opportunities Available in Recreation (SOAR)
- Bloomington, IN Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Commission
- Bloomington, IN Living Wage
- Blue Earth County, MN Creating a Greenprint for Tomorrow
- Blue Mountains, Australia Environments Levy
- Blue Springs, MO Smoking Limitations Within the City
- Bluffton University, OH Environmental Stewardship
- Boise State University, ID Campus Sustainability Initiatives and Actions
- Boise, ID Community Garden Policy
- Boise, ID Green Building Standards in City Owned Buildings
- Bolivia
- Boone, NC Zero Waste Plan
- Borough of Brielle, NJ Support for the Clean Ocean Zone
- Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Boston College, MA Anti-Sweatshop Policy
- Boston College, MA Sustainability Garden
- Boston College, MA University Smoking Policy
- Boston Green Plan
- Boston University, MA Green Construction
- Boston University, MA Green Purchasing
- Boston, MA CleanAir CABS
- Boston, MA Establishes "Solar Boston"
- Boston, MA Open Space Plan
- Bothell, WA Carbon Reduction and Independence Energy Plan
- Botswana
- Boulder County, CO Adopting a Sustainable Energy Path
- Boulder County, CO Partners for a Clean Environment
- Boulder County, CO Prohibiting Smoking in Public Places
- Boulder County, CO Purchasing More Hybrid Electric Vehicles
- Boulder County, CO Supporting the Creation of a Zero Waste Plan
- Boulder, CO Bans Genetically Engineered Crops from City-Owned Land
- Boulder, CO Children, Youth and Family Mediation
- Boulder, CO Citizens Pass First Carbon Tax in Nation
- Boulder, CO Declaring a Zero Waste Community
- Boulder, CO Environmental Purchasing Policy
- Boulder, CO Prohibition of Discrimination
- Bowdoin College, ME Annual Give & Go Sale
- Bowdoin College, ME Dining Service Environmental Commitments
- Bowdoin College, ME Eliminates Student Loans, Will Convert to Grants
- Bowdoin College, ME Hazing Policy
- Bowdoin College, ME Introduces Environmental Management System
- Bowling Green State University, OH Reaffirming Commitment to Diversity
- Bowling Green State University, OH Recycling Program
- Bozeman, MT "Big Box" Regulations
- Bozeman, MT Living Wage
- Bozeman, MT Supporting the Diversity of the Community
- Brattleboro, VT Fair Trade
- Brazil
- Breckenridge, CO Medicinal Marijuana Initiative
- Brevard County, FL Non-Native Noxious Invasive Plant Ordinance
- Bridgeport, CT Local Scholarship Fund
- Bridgewater State College, MA Campus Climate Action Group
- Brisbane, Australia 2 Million Trees Project
- Brisbane, Australia Green Buses
- Brisbane, Australia In-Home Energy Monitor Rebate Program
- Brisbane, Australia Invasive Species Management Plan
- Brisbane, Australia Plan for Action on Climate Change and Energy
- Brisbane, Australia Solar Hot Water Rebate Program
- Brisbane, Australia Sustainability Policy
- Brisbane, Australia Walking and Cycling Plan
- Brisbane, CA Green Building Requirements
- Broken Arrow, OK Youth City Council
- Brooklin, ME Votes to be GMO-Free Zone
- Brookline, MA Anti-Sweatshop Resolution
- Brooklyn Center Schools, MN Hazing Prohibition Policy
- Broome County, NY Resolution Against Child Labor and Sweatshops
- Broward County, FL Beach Glass Project
- Broward County, FL Commission on the Status of Women
- Broward County, FL Diversity Advisory Council
- Brown County, WI Diversity Circles
- Brown University, RI "Brown is Green (BIG)"
- Brown University, RI Brown to Brown Home Ownership Program
- Brown University, RI Corporate Responsibility in Investment Policies
- Brunei
- Buffalo, NY Living Wage
- Buffalo, NY Recycling
- Bulgaria
- Burbank Unified School District, CA Sustainable Design Standards
- Burien, WA Promoting the Use of Apprentices in Public Works Projects
- Burkina Faso
- Burlington, VT Calling for the Suspension of School of the Americas
- Burlington, VT In Support of Litigation Against EPA Regarding Global Warming
- Burlington, VT In Support of Universal Health Care
- Burlington, VT Instant Runoff Voting for Mayor
- Burlington, VT Medicinal Marijuana
- Burlington, VT Nuclear Disarmament Day
- Burlington, VT Opposing Unilateral United States' Military Action Against Iraq
- Burlington, VT Sustainability
- Burma/Myanmar
- Burnaby, British Columbia City Energy Retrofit Program
- Burnaby, British Columbia Smoking Regulations
- Burrville, RI Recycling
- Burundi
- Butler University, IN R.E.A.C.H.
- Cabo Verde
- Cairns Regional Council, Australia Public Art Policy
- Calabasas, CA Banning the Use of Polystyrene for Food Packaging
- Calabasas, CA Regulating Second-Hand Smoke in Multi-Family Rental Housing
- Calgary, Alberta Climate Change Policy
- Calgary, Alberta Integrated Pest Management Policy
- Calgary, Alberta Tree Protection Bylaw
- California Global Warming Solutions Act
- Caloundra, Australia Biodiversity Strategy 2006
- Calvin College, MI Dining Services Go Green
- Cambodia
- Cambrian, CA School District Promoting Adequate, Equitable and Stable Special Education Funding
- Cambridge, MA In Support of Science-Based Reductions of Our Global Warming Pollution
- Cambridge, MA In Support of Small Wind Energy Installations within the City
- Cambridge, MA Living Wage
- Cambridge, MA proportional representation
- Cambridge, MA Protection of the Stratospheric Ozone Layer
- Cambridge, MA Reaffirms its Commitment as a Sanctuary City
- Cambridge, MA Resolution on Watershed Protection
- Camden, England Protection of Open Space Designations
- Cameroon
- Campus Energy Initiatives, Arizona State University
- Campus Supported Agriculture Program, Georgia Institute of Technology
- Canada
- Canada Bay, Australia Nuclear Free Zone
- Cape Town, South Africa Integrated Waste Exchange
- Capitola, CA Environmentally Acceptable Packaging Materials
- Carbondale, CO Energy and Climate Protection Plan
- Carbondale, CO In Support of the Endangered Species Act
- Carbondale, CO Participation in the Cities for Climate Protection Campaign
- Carbondale, CO Tree Ordinance
- Cardiff, Wales Developing a Climate Change Action Plan
- Cardiff, Wales World's First Fairtrade Capital
- Carleton College, MN "Green Carleton"
- Carleton College, MN Diversity Initiative Group (DIG)
- Carlsbad, CA Citizens' Academy
- Carlsbad, CA Livable Communities
- Carlsbad, CA Three-Part-Art Program
- Carnegie Mellon University, PA "Go for Green" Vending
- Carnegie Mellon University, PA "Sleep is Good" Initiative
- Carnegie Mellon University, PA Freedom of Expression Policy
- Carnegie Mellon University, PA Living Roofs
- Carnegie Mellon University, PA Recycling Policy
- Carnegie Mellon University, PA Wind Energy Policy
- Carnegie Mellon, PA University Code of Workplace Conduct for Trademark Licensees
- Carrboro, NC Awarding Building Construction Contracts to Minority Businesses
- Carrboro, NC Creation of a Zero Waste Plan
- Carrboro, NC Least Toxic Integrated Pest Management Policy
- Carrboro, NC Resolution Calling for a Moratorium on Executions
- Carrboro, NC Resolution Regarding Bicycle Friendly Communities
- Cary, NC Bicycle Plan
- Cary, NC Instant Runoff Voting Pilot Program
- Cary, NC Open Space and Historic Resources Plan
- Cass County, MN Materials Exchange Program
- Catawba College, NC Climate Commitment Committee
- Catholic University of America, DC Smoke-Free Policy
Media in category "Has location"
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- Zimbabwe.png 675 × 392; 254 KB