El Paso, TX Disability Anti-Discrimination

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El Paso, Texas Disability Anti-Discrimination

Type: Ordinance

Status: Adopted

Date: August 8, 1989

Declaration of Policy:

A. It is the policy of the City of El Paso to ensure that no qualified person shall, on the basis of disability, be excluded from participation in or be denied the benefits of any program or activity receiving financial assistance from or operated by the City of El Paso, or be subjected to discrimination with respect to employment by Grantees of the City of El Paso’s financial assistance.

B. This policy recognizes the rights of each qualified disabled person to fully participate and receive the benefits of all programs and activities receiving financial assistance from or being operated by the City of El. Paso; and further, that the denial of such rights based on disability is detrimental to the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the City of El Paso which is within the power and scope of responsibility of the City of El. Paso to prohibit.

C. This ordinance does not cover housing nor does it pertain to the Civil Service System, personnel or employment practices or decisions, which are solely within the jurisdiction of the Civil Commission.

Full text: http://www.ci.el-paso.tx.us/general_services/_documents/ORDINANCE%209779.pdf