Steven Schmidt

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Oct2006 SJS 204x287.jpg


Steven Schmidt

GreenPolicy360 founder/siterunner

Siterunner @ GreenPolicy360

Email: [email protected]

Siterunner / Comments

User talk:Siterunner


Earth Day Flag.png

DYK? Yes, we do, we remember the beginnings !
๐ŸŒŽ Beginnings of the Modern Environmental Movement

Christina Korp Earth Day and Apollo 8.jpg


On the 50th Anniversary

Memories on the Road to the First Earth Day


Beginnings of the Modern Environmental Movement



Climate Change - Global Warming Keyword-Terms

GreenPolicy360 Siterunner: The beginnings of modern environmental and climate science can be traced to the 1960s and 1970s. The U.S. National Academy of Sciences played a key role in laying a foundation of scientific reports and data.

Memories of the first Climate Act legislation (Drafted by Rep. George E. Brown) 1978

Our Biggest Experiment


Vietnam Moratorium Committee-Documentary Intro.jpg

Looking Back: @USC organizing the California anti-war movement/a USC Cinema Dept. film of the Moratorium



Climate Problems, Climate Solutions

About GreenPolicy360 | "Greening Our Blue Planet"

We are all in this together-IPCC report-August 2021.jpg
Post to Facebook | Aug. 9, 2021

"We are all in this together"

New Definitions of National Security
Beginnings of a new vision, life affirming, 'Earthrise'

Look at how thin our atmosphere is

Thin Blue difference - approx 12 miles high.jpg

ThinBlueLayer - December 23 2018.jpg

'Thin Blue Layer' of Earth's Atmosphere 2.jpg

Earthviews | EarthPOV

Earth Science Research from Space

Climate activist - Steven Schmidt - 1978 on.png

Post to Facebook | Sept. 26, 2021

PlanetCitizen - Your Moment on Earth.jpg

PlanetCitizen / Planet Citizens

It's All Related


Green Best Practices

Going Green

SJS - May 26, 2021 Proxy memories.jpg

Eco-economic Decoupling

Environmental movement

Environmental protection | Planet Citizen Action

Environmental Studies Online


WGU-we are wise.jpg

Launching a Forward-looking Online University / (1995-96)

BigPicture Media

Going Green Best Practices check sm.png

Strategic Demands of the 21st Century A New Vision for a New World.jpg

GreenPolicy360 and Strategic Demands

GreenPolicy360's origins connect deeply with Strategic Demands. The intersection began in the 1960s, with a new Congressman, George E. Brown from East Los Angeles and a young debater, a high school student who set in motion with the Congressman a multi-year journey to develop climate/environmental science and generational activism and strong, deep opposition to nuclear weapons.

Here is a quick snapshot of where our connections and work have led and links you can follow with our group of founders.... relationships and ideas carried forward from the 1960s and 70s and going strongly today.

On the 50th Anniversary

Memories on the Road to the First Earth Day


Beginnings of the Modern Environmental Movement


We are diverse mix, across the globe now with the Internet, many voices, colors, ages, especially young people joining in. GreenPolicy360 and Strategic Demands.... including Steve Schmidt, George E. Brown, Dan Ellsberg, Jerry Brown, Roger Morris, and Charlene Spretnak.

Welcome along... green, environmental, national and global.... strongly confronting and working to solve our generation's existential challenges. Reaching across our home planet, touching and interacting with planet citizens, looking to share solutions to the pressing problems and challenges of our generation.

Links to voices of StratDem/GreenPolicy360 include --

Steve Schmidt

George E. Brown

Charlene Spretnak

Dan Ellsberg

Gov. Jerry Brown

Roger Morris


More from Strategic Demands and GreenPolicy360:

Dove of peace s.jpg


1992 Presidential Campaign

Governor Edmund (Jerry) Brown Brings Forward a Diverse Eco-nomic/Environmental Platform

SJS / Advancing a presidential campaign, your GreenPolicy360 siterunner worked with the Governor to draft the 'we the people' campaign platform, taking new ideas into the U.S. presidential debate to press the Democratic Party into a progressive direction...

At the Democratic Party Platform Hearings
GreenPolicy360 siterunner Steve Schmidt w/ Calif Gov. Brown
Jerry w Steve '92 pres campaign at the Dem plat hearing m.jpg

Sustainable Economics
Sustainable Economics 2
Sustainable Economics 3
Sustainable Economics 4

Jerry Brown's Presidential Campaign Addresses the Dem Platform Com't
Jerry Brown's Presidential Campaign Addresses the Dem Platform Com't 2

Jerry Brown 92 Presidential Platform We the People.jpg