Merchants of Doubt

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March 2019

Via Yale Environment 360 / “We have struck a chord that is resonating with the American people, especially young people. And we’re ready for a fight.”

e360 / Elizabeth Kolbert: So the Green New Deal is obviously a resolution and not a piece of legislation. But is anyone working on a legislative package?

Senator Markey: Yes, that’s what we’re saying — that in each area now, we are calling on members of the House and Senate to introduce their bill. So for example, there is a tax-extender bill, which will potentially be up for debate this year that will include extenders for wind tax breaks, solar tax breaks, electric vehicle tax breaks, tax breaks for storage technologies. And that’s the forum to have that debate.

Each committee in the House and Senate, each member now has an ability to introduce legislation that can deal with the issue. So we’re having hearings.

And what people forget is that Citizens United was decided [by the U.S. Supreme Court] in January of 2010. And that’s what led to a flood of money coming into the system in 2010, and that dropped the overall public acceptance that climate change is real by 20 points. So we’re now back up to 72, 73 percent [who accept the reality of climate change]. And we have a Green New Deal movement that’s been born.

Money in Politics

Misinformation, Exaggeration, Deceit and Coverup

"They are going to take your Hamburgers away"

They are going to take your Hamburgers away etc.jpg


Step Up and Lean In: Politics is Tough

Merchants of Doubt Ply Their Trade, Paid to Spin the Facts

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Naomi Oreskes and Erik Conway Say Be Careful, Very Careful

Merchants of Doubt -- Documentary Trailers

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