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<h3 id="story-heading" class="story-heading">'''''GreenPolicy360 highlights the Carbon Brief'''''</h3>
<h3 id="story-heading" class="story-heading">'''''GreenPolicy360 highlights the Carbon Brief'''''</h3>
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Earth360° Gamechangers

January 2015

GreenPolicy360 highlights Governor Jerry Brown

Perhaps it's fitting to move from a Jesuit pope to a former Jesuit seminarian...

this week we highlight Governor Edmund G. 'Jerry' Brown.

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Some years ago, your GreenPolicy editor had the opportunity to serve as an advisor to Jerry's presidential campaign and the Governor and I worked closely on the campaign's We the People platform. Political reform across a breadth of issues was on our agenda. The preparation of briefing books for the debates was a challenge, as we argued watering down of environmental and work protection laws was flawed policy. Up until the 90's the US had set green and labor standards which were being set aside by both parties in the 90s. We argued for a better approach, and for money out of politics, and univ health care, and we came close to winning the nomination which eventually went to the next president, Bill Clinton. The many green ideas we brought forward continued on in the Green Platform which your siterunner was the key drafter and Jerry and his ideas and agenda carried on in California. To this day, Governor Brown is out in front with model initiatives for change. Decades now, day-to-day, Jerry has been hard at work to make a difference and create, with vision, a better world.

Here's a nod of our green hat to Jerry Brown -- a principled visionary, making it happen.

Today the press reports -- California leads the nation and Jerry Brown's point of view? “What happens here doesn’t stay here. It goes all around the country and all around the world.”

The 'greening' results are showing... Transportation -- Energy -- Climate Change -- Pacific Coast Climate Plan, A Model for a Regional Approach to Climate Change -- and Arnold who added real Green Muscle.

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December 2014


GreenPolicy360 highlights Pope Francis

Catholic pontiff speaks of the environment

Time to take another look at the new Catholic leadership

“In this globalised world,” Pope Francis, “we have fallen into globalised indifference.”

Next year, he will intervene again in the secular world. Today, the Observer reports his intention to write a letter to the world’s 1.2 billion Catholics, give an address to the UN General Assembly and call for a summit of the world’s main religions. He will also issue a rare papal encyclical in March on climate change and human ecology, all part of an attempt strongly to influence the UN climate change meeting in Paris in 2015 to achieve a universal commitment to reduce carbon emissions. “Eco-theology” alarms creationists and divides the Catholic church. Opponents, including some in the Vatican, condemn it as “un-biblical”. Pope Francis sees economic inequality and the plundering of the Earth’s resources as part of a theme. He has said: “In this system, which tends to devour everything which stands in the way of accrued profits, whatever is fragile like the environment is defenceless against the interest of a deified market, which becomes the only rule.”

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To the plight of carrying an olive branch of peace as we look to the future and struggle with the realities of today.

And to a different kind of pope, Francis, a spiritual voice for 1.2 billion Catholics, calling for peace during the traditional Christmas Day speech, Urbi et Orbi

Thoughts of a leader taking a church in new directions.

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November 2014

GreenPolicy360 highlights George Brown Jr.


Remembering the 'start-up' of the environmental movement and the first laws, a set of founding legal precedents many of which came from forward-looking green visionaries from California, like George E. Brown who passed away suddenly in 1999.

George's work in Congress in air quality/clean air, water and the founding of the EPA highlighted the era's achievement... George was out in front in "big science" -- his profound accomplishments are esp missed now as anti-science positions threaten in the current Congress...

Memories of George

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GreenPolicy360 highlights Rebecca Moore

Rebecca envisioned setting up Google Outreach -- and she did.

As our site mgr Steve wrote: Rebecca had an idea how to save trees around her home

and her idea led to setting up Google Outreach - She had a great idea, she made it happen,

she is continuing to make it happen ! Each day there's new progress, local and global...

Global Forest Watch & Global Fishing Watch are two most recent successful launches.

Here's a tip of our green hat to Rebecca's 'planet citizen' work !

Thank You Rebecca, congratulations - time to see how it's all connected !

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Global Fishing Watch launches

Google Outreach out in front again

Global Fishing Watch_newly launched [1]

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Global Forest Watch launches - 2014

Google Outreach continues its impact


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October 2014

GreenPolicy360 highlights Paul Hawken

Project Drawdown CO2 Introduced at the Bioneers Conference by Paul Hawken

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GreenPolicy360 highlights Iain Keith

Climate March organizer, from Avaaz:

"We realized that a March could send a powerful signal.

Marches don't always change the world.

Sometimes they are the only things

that shake the system into widespread change."

InsideClimate News (TW)

People Climate March Sept. 21st Sunday afternoon m2.jpg


GreenPolicy360 highlights the Bioneers

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Chief Lyons, Dennis Kucinich & Leonardo DiCaprio

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It’s here; It matters. There is today a climate movement.

Signs from the March

September 23rd -- UN Climate Summit

September 21st -- #PeoplesClimateMarch

Green friend, Louie Schwartzberg's newest film opening the UN Climate session

"Choose to make a difference -- this is our only home..." What's Possible

No apologies, take a stance

Five from the March

Leonardo speaks at the UN Climate Summit


GreenPolicy gives a shout out to Naomi Klein at the Bioneers Conference

Naomi Klein, "This Changes Everything" Naomi Klein speaks at the Bioneers Conference

NY Times..."the most momentous and contentious environmental book since 'Silent Spring.'"

Climate Leadership (Conf videos)

Bioneers celebrating their 25th Anniversary Conference [6] [7] [8]

Long time, very good friends of GreenPolicy360 and a preeminent eco-network

Here's to the Bioneers and many more good years of eco-healing!

Hearty Congratulations especially go to co-founders Kenny and Nina !!

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The Bioneers is a network of social and scientific innovators with practical and visionary solutions for the world’s most pressing environmental and social challenges.

A celebration of the genius of nature and human ingenuity, the Bioneers Annual Conference is in its 25th year in 2014! Congratulations Bioneers!!

It’s the moment of truth to turn vision into action

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GreenPolicy360 highlights the Carbon Brief

Carbon Brief - FB - TW

They asked 25 thinkers, writers and journalists a simple question:

What books or readings inspired you to get involved in climate-related work?

They got back some very interesting insights into why people work on climate,

why they started, and why they carry on. Warming Earth

Inspirational books and readings


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