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- "GreenLinks"
- 100% Renewable Town in Texas
- 2010 Biodiversity Target
- @Earth360
- AFSCME Fair Trade Resolution
- AFSCME Local 1000 Troop Withdrawal
- AFSCME Local 2627 Anti-war Resolution
- AFSCME Resolution Opposing Sweatshops
- AFT Local 4909 Resolution To Promote Activities To End The U.S. Occupation In Iraq
- AK
- A Day with Al Gore
- A Generation in Search of a Future
- A Land Ethic
- A View from the Chute by Charlene Spretnak
- Abbotsford, British Columbia Waterways Protection
- Aberdeen
- Aberdeen, NJ Urging the Governor to Support a Moratorium on Revaluations
- Aberdeen, Scotland "Fantastic it's not Plastic" Campaign
- Aberdeen, Scotland Sustainable Purchasing Policy
- Abilene, TX Smoking Restrictions Ordinance
- About Us
- Action Plan for Bicycle Friendly Communities
- Ada County, ID Green Building Standards
- Adams State College, CO Green Bikes Program
- Additional Website Resources - Linked Data - Green Best Practices
- Additional Website Resources - Linked Open Data - Green Best Practices
- Adelaide, Australia Introduces World's First Solar-Powered Electric Bus
- Adelaide, Australia Sustainable Landscapes Incentives Program
- Adelphi University, NY Policy on Hazing
- Adelphi University, NY Statewide Breast Cancer Hotline and Support Program
- Aerial Reforestation - Seed ball - Seed bombing
- Afghanistan
- Agoura Hills, CA Campaign Reform
- Agricultural Economics
- Agriculture
- Agrivoltaics
- Agroecological Farming
- Agroforestry
- Alamance County, NC Recycling
- Alameda, CA Iraq Resolution
- Alameda County, CA "2% for Art" Ordinance
- Alameda County, CA County Buildings must be LEED Certified
- Alameda County, CA Establishing a County Climate Change Leadership Strategy
- Alameda County, CA Establishing an Integrated Pest Management Committee
- Alameda County, CA Green Building Ordinance
- Alameda County, CA Policy on Persistent Bioaccumulative Toxins
- Alameda County, CA Sexually Exploited Minors Network
- Alameda County, CA Stormwater Quality Management Plan
- Alameda County, CA “2% for Art†Ordinance
- Alameda County, CA “2% for Art” Ordinance
- Alameda County, CA “2 Percent for Art” Ordinance
- Alameda County, CA “2per for Art” Ordinance
- Alaska Pacific University Sustainability Committee
- Albania
- Albany, CA Campaign Finance Reform
- Albany, CA Recognition of Ocean View Community Garden
- Albany, CA Resolution on Adopting Integrated Pest Management Policy
- Albany, NY Citizens' Police Review Board
- Albany County, NY Phase Out of Trans Fat
- Albany County, NY Resolution Against Child Labor and Sweatshops
- Albany County, NY “Pesticide Sunset”
- Albany State University, GA Environmental Policy and Procedure
- Albion College, MI Sustainability Council
- Albuquerque, NM "Big-Box" Regulations
- Albuquerque, NM Alternative Dispute Resolution Program
- Albuquerque, NM Land Use Facilitation Program
- Albuquerque, NM Renewable Energy Initiative
- Alexandria, VA Human Rights
- Alexandria, VA Living Wage
- Alexandria, VA Recycling
- Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
- Alfred University, NY "Drawn to Diversity" Program
- Alfred University, NY "Trayless Initiative"
- Algeria
- Alice Springs, Australia Smoking in the Workplace Policy
- All Species Day
- Allegany County, NY in Regards to Labeling of Depleted Uranium Shipments
- Allegheny College, PA Arts and Environment Initiative
- Allegheny College, PA Creek Connections
- Allegheny College, PA Environmental Guiding Principles
- Allegheny College, PA Local Foods Network
- Allegheny College, PA Sustainable Forestry Project
- Allegheny County, PA Condemning Predatory Lending Practices
- Allegheny County, PA Sweatshop Ordinance
- Allen Park, MI Living Wage
- Allentown, PA "Inside Allentown"
- Alternative Agriculture
- Alverno College, WI Ability-Based Curriculum
- American College & Univ Climate Commitment
- American Legislative Exchange Council
- American Society of Civil Engineers - The Role of the Civil Engineer in Sustainable Development
- American University, DC Safe Space Sticker Program
- American University, DC Workplace Conduct Advisory Team
- Amherst, MA Bottle Battle Campaign
- Amherst, MA Fair Trade Resolution
- Amherst, MA Resolution on a Legislative Moratorium on Genetically Engineered Foods & Crops
- Amherst College, MA Cogeneration Plant
- An Internet Snapshot - March 2018
- Anacortes, WA Establishing an Arts Commission
- Anacortes, WA Promoting the Use of LEED Standards in Construction
- Anchorage, AK GardenPlots Policy
- Anchorage, AK Prohibition of Smoking in Public Places Ordinance
- Anchorage School District, AK Environmentally Sound Practices
- Anchorage School District, AK Mixed Paper Recycling Program
- Anchorage School District, AK Vending Machines to Offer Healthy Choices
- Anderson, SC Mayor's Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities
- Andorra
- Angola
- Ann Arbor, MI Genetic Engineering in Food and Agriculture
- Ann Arbor, MI Medicinal Marijuana Initiative
- Ann Arbor, MI Mercury Thermometer Ban
- Ann Arbor, MI Preferential Voting for Mayor
- Annapolis, MD Energy Efficiency Task Force Recommendations
- Annapolis, MD Participation in Climate Protection Campaign
- Anthropocene
- Anthropogenic climate disruption (ACD)
- Anti-idling laws and rules across the country
- Antibiotics, Farming, Livestock Industry
- Antigua and Barbuda
- Antioch Unified School District, CA Recycling Resolution
- Apache Junction, AZ Citizen Leadership Institute
- Apocalyptic Thinking
- Apollo 17
- Apollo 8
- Appalachian State University, NC Apparel Sourcing and Monitoring Practices
- Appalachian State University, NC Photovoltaic System
- Apple Valley, CA Zero Waste Long-Term Goal
- Appropedia
- Aquaculture and aquaforestry
- Aquifers
- Arcata, CA Calling for the Immediate Withdrawal of Troops from Afghanistan and Iraq
- Arcata, CA Consumer Price Index Adjustments to Campaign Contribution Limitations
- Arcata, CA Consumer Price Index Adjustments to Campaign Contribution Limitations 2008
- Arcata, CA Nuclear Weapons Free Zone and Peace Commission
- Arcata, CA Ordinance to Regulate Genetically Engineered Organisms
- Arcata, CA Resolution
- Arcata, CA Resolution Supporting the "Tobin Tax"
- Arcata, CA Resolution on Corporate Personhood
- Archuleta County, CO Big Box Draft Ordinance
- Argentina
- Arizona State University "Serving Sustainability to Sun Devils"
- Arizona State University Campus Energy Initiatives
- Arizona State University Safety Escort Service
- Arizona State University Sustainable Purchasing Policy
- Arizona State University ZipCar Program
- Arkadelphia, AR Creating a Tree City USA Advisory Board
- Arlington, MA Requires Silver LEED Rating for All New Construction and Renovations
- Arlington County, VA Climate Stabilization Declaration
- Arlington County, VA Expressing Concerns with Some Aspects of the US Patriot Act
- Arlington County, VA Human Rights
- Armenia
- Asheville, NC Adopting LEED Standards
- Asheville, NC Establishing Energy Goals and Benchmarks
- Asheville, NC Revising Open Space Requirements
- Ashfield, MA Solar-Aquatic® Wastewater Treatment Plant
- Ashland, OR Adding Youth Liaisons to City Committees and Commissions
- Ashland, OR Bicycle and Pedestrian Commission
- Ashland, OR Fair Housing
- Ashland, OR Limiting the Use of Pesticides in the City
- Ashland, OR Prohibiting Buses and Trucks Idling While Parked
- Ashland, OR Public Arts Commission Ordinance
- Ashland, OR Removal/Disposal of Non-Certified Woodstoves Upon Conveyance of Real Property
- Ashland, OR Resolution in Support of IRV
- Ashland, OR Resolution on Climate Protection
- Ashland, OR Resolution to Protect Civil Liberties
- Ashland, OR Restricting the Addition of Substances to Drinking Water
- Ashland, OR Support of the Endangered Species Act
- Ashland, OR Tree Preservation and Protection
- Ashtabula County, OH Soil And Water Conservation District Farmland Preservation Executive Summary
- Asia Pacific Resilience Innovation
- Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
- Aspen, CO Adopts the Canary Initiative
- Aspen, CO Renewable Energy
- Aspen, CO Wildlife Protection
- Astro 'Big Picture' Sites
- Asunción
- Athens-Clarke County, GA Recycling for All Policy
- Atherton, CA Thinking Green Think Tank
- Atlanta, GA Citizen Review Board
- Atlanta, GA LEED Building Design
- Atlanta, GA Living Wage
- Auburn, NY Voters Approve Municipal Power Ownership
- Auburn University, AL Campus Bike Committee
- Auckland, New Zealand City Youth Council
- Auckland, New Zealand Community Gardens Policy
- Auckland, New Zealand Open Space Framework
- Auckland, New Zealand Skate Strategy
- Aurora Time
- Austin, TX "Big Box" Regulations
- Austin, TX Anti-Chaining Ordinance
- Austin, TX Anti-Sweatshop Ordinance
- Austin, TX City Employee Mentoring/Tutoring Program
- Austin, TX Commitment to the Protection of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
- Austin, TX Efforts to Make Austin Leading City in Nation on Climate Change Policies
- Austin, TX Eliminate Purchase of Disposable Plastic Water Bottles
- Austin, TX Equal Employment/Fair Housing
- Austin, TX Living Wage
- Austin, TX Minority-Owned and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Procurement Program
- Austin, TX Reducing the Use of Plastic Bags
- Austin, TX Smart Growth Initiative
- Austin, TX Sustainable Communities Initiative
- Austin, TX Watershed Protections
- Austin, TX Zero Energy Capable Homes
- Austin, TX Zero Waste Plan
- Austin Peay State Univ., TN Student Referendum on Campus Renewable Energy
- Australia
- Australia map
- Australian National University Biodiversity Initiatives
- Austria
- Avondale, AZ Affirming the Principles of Civil Liberties
- Azerbaijan
- B Corporation
- B Lab
- Bahamas
- Bahrain
- Bainbridge Island, WA In Support of the Violence Against Women Act
- Bainbridge Island, WA Promoting Renewable Energy
- Ball State University, IN Endorsement of Sustainability
- Ball State University, IN Green Practices in Dining
- Ball State University, IN Smoke-Free Campus
- Ballotpedia
- Baltimore, MD Calling for a National Withdrawal from Iraq
- Baltimore, MD Resolution
- Bangladesh
- Banning Genetically Engineered Food Ordinance
- Barbados
- Basalt, CO Instant Runoff Voting for Mayor
- Bates College, ME Local Food Initiative
- Bath, ME Municipal Resolution for Tax Reform
- Battle Creek, MI Renewable Energy Policy
- Bay County, FL Citizens' Academy
- Beavercreek, OH Fair Housing
- Beaverton, OR SAFE Program
- Beaverton School District, OR Sustainability Policy
- Beginnings of Ecology - and How Flowers Changed the World
- Beijing
- Belarus
- Belfast, Northern Ireland Local Biodiversity Action Plan
- Belfast Township, PA restrict corporate farming
- Belgium
- Belgrade, ME Recycling
- Belize
- Bellevue, WA Affordable Housing
- Bellevue, WA Neighborhood Mediation Program
- Bellevue Community College, WA American Indian Film Festival
- Bellevue Community College, WA Pluralism Compact
- Bellingham, WA Adopting Greenhouse Gas Reduction Targets
- Bellingham, WA Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee
- Bellingham, WA Endorses Climate Protection Program
- Bellingham, WA Endorses the Earth Charter
- Bellingham, WA Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Program
- Bellingham, WA Greenway Advisory Committee
- Bellingham, WA Maximum Size of Retail Establishments
- Bellingham, WA Promoting Use of LEED Standards in Construction
- Bellingham, WA Resolution Opposing Intervention in Iran
- Bellingham, WA Taking a Leadership Role in Renewable Energy
- Bellingham, WA Tax Exemptions For Multi-Family Housing
- Bellingham School District, WA Food Plus!/Food to Flowers!
- Bellingham School District, WA Pest Management Policy
- Beloit College, WI Diversity Plan
- Beltrami County, MN Communications Tower and Wind Energy Conversion System Ordinance
- Benicia, CA In Support of Clean Money and Fair Elections
- Benicia, CA Regulation of Formula Businesses
- Benin
- Benson, MN Establishing a Renewable Energy Center
- Benton County, OR Bicycle Transportation Plan
- Benton County, OR Multi-Species Habitat Conservation Plan
- Berea College, KY Ecological Design
- Berea College, KY Ecological Machine
- Berea College, KY Entrepreneurship for the Public Good
- Berea College, KY Green and Socially Responsible Purchasing
- Berea College, KY Local Food Initiative
- Berea College, KY Recycling Program
- Berkeley, CA "Stop Cancer Where It Starts"
- Berkeley, CA Actions to Eliminate Anthropogenic Sources of Dioxin Pollution
- Berkeley, CA Anti-War Resolution
- Berkeley, CA Calling for an End to Tax Breaks for Millionaires
- Berkeley, CA Designation as Automatic Aggregator of Electricity
- Berkeley, CA Endorsing Prevention of Farm Animal Cruelty Act
- Berkeley, CA Green Purchasing Policy
- Berkeley, CA Instant Runoff Voting for City Elections
- Berkeley, CA Living Wage
- Berkeley, CA Marijuana Ordinance
- Berkeley, CA Needle Exchange Distribution Program
- Berkeley, CA Nuclear Free Berkeley Act
- Berkeley, CA Opposing Efforts to Impede Local Governments from Regulating GE Plants and Food
- Berkeley, CA Peace and Justice Commission on Becoming a Sanctuary for Conscientious Objectors
- Berkeley, CA Pest Management Policy
- Berkeley, CA Polystyrene Foam, Degradable and Recyclable Food Packaging
- Berkeley, CA Prohibition on Recyclable Poaching
- Berkeley, CA Renewable Energy
- Berkeley, CA Resolution
- Berkeley, CA Resolution on Corporate Rights
- Berkeley, CA School Board Resolution Against Irradiated Meat
- Berkeley, CA School District Organic and Local Food
- Berkeley, CA Solid Waste Management Commission Becomes Zero Waste Commission
- Berkeley, CA Supporting Debt Cancellation for Impoverished Countries
- Berkeley, CA Unified School District Green Procurement and Sustainable Procedures Policy
- Bernards Township, NJ Farmland Preservation Resolution
- Best Practices
- Bethel Township, PA Recycling Ordinance
- Bethlehem, PA Fair Housing
- Bettendorf, IA City Citizen Academy: Bettendorf 101
- Bhutan
- BigPicture Media
- Bill McKibben, planet citizen
- Bill Nye the Science Guy
- Billions in Change
- Binghamton, NY Bring the Troops Home
- Binghamton, NY Endorses Climate Protection Agreement
- Binghamton, NY Recycling Enhancement Program
- Biodiversity
- Biodiversity banking
- Biodynamic Agriculture
- Biofuel
- Biological Diversity Act, 2002
- Bioneers
- Bioregion
- Bioregionalism: What If We Based Our Borders on Nature
- Biosphere
- Biosphere Reserves
- Bird migration
- Birmingham Township, PA Environmental Stream Team
- Bismarck, ND Creating a Human Relations Commission
- Black Hills State University, SD Sustainability Initiatives
- Black River Falls, WI Regulation of Neighborhood Electric Vehicles
- Blacksburg, VA Task Force on Climate Protection and Sustainability
- Block Island Wind Farm
- Bloomington, IL Special Opportunities Available in Recreation (SOAR)
- Bloomington, IN Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Commission
- Bloomington, IN Living Wage
- Blue Earth County, MN Creating a Greenprint for Tomorrow
- Blue Marble Collection
- Blue Mountains, Australia Environments Levy
- Blue Springs, MO Smoking Limitations Within the City
- Bluffton University, OH Environmental Stewardship
- Boise, ID Community Garden Policy
- Boise, ID Green Building Standards in City Owned Buildings
- Boise State University, ID Campus Sustainability Initiatives and Actions
- Bolivia
- Book Reviews @GreenPolicy
- Boone, NC Zero Waste Plan
- Borough of Brielle, NJ Support for the Clean Ocean Zone