Waltham, MA Partnership with Youth

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Waltham, MA, US

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Type: Program

Status: Ongoing

Source File: http://www.partnership.walthamhighschool.org/


Mission Statement
The Mission of the Waltham Partnership for Youth is to enhance the quality of young lives in Waltham by identifying the needs of all Waltham youth and coordinating resources to help meet those needs. The Priority Objective for Fiscal Year 2005 was to develop collaborative agreements to support initiatives for youth. The Partnership believes that, by changing the matrix of how we do business, young lives can be enhanced while community youth service organizations are strengthened.

The Waltham Partnership for Youth, Inc. has the vision that all Waltham youth should have the opportunity to become productive citizens in the community and the workforce. Comprehensive systems of community support are necessary to provide these opportunities. Working to provide such a system, the Partnership

  • is the recognized leader bringing essential constituencies together around youth issues;
  • is the central source of information about youth issues in Waltham;
  • has the support of multiple sectors: the city, the business sector, the academic sector, the youth service community, families and youth;
  • updates research and data on youth needs;
  • works collaboratively to build strength-based plans for youth success;
  • is a replicable model for other communities.
