Cuesta College, CA Resolution on Diversity

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Cuesta College, CA, US

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Type: Resolution

Status: Adopted on 3/1/06

Vote: Unanimous (with 1 absent)

Source File:


San Luis Obispo County Community College District Board of Trustees
Resolution No. 06-11

WHEREAS, Cuesta College identifies excellence, student success and diversity as institutional values; and

WHEREAS, Cuesta College has adopted for 2006-2007 the goal to increase employees' cultural competency: enhancing their professional development, improving student outreach and retention, and increasing student and employee satisfaction; and

WHEREAS, Cuesta College is committed to protecting open access to higher education and to building a student body and workforce reflective of the county’s diversity;

WHEREAS, Cuesta College recognizes that adapting to students with diverse learning needs is integral to student success; and

WHEREAS, Cuesta College is committed to being a learning institution that embraces diversity by respecting the dignity of every individual, accepting differences, and striving to be inclusive; and

WHEREAS, Cuesta College recognizes that an inclusive environment best fosters cooperation, acceptance, and the free exchange of ideas between faculty, students, and staff; and

WHEREAS, Cuesta College demonstrates its commitment to cultural diversity and student equity by incorporating in the associate degree the diversity graduation requirement; and

WHEREAS, Cuesta College advocates for the development of diversity activities and awareness for students and staff through its Cultural Diversity/Student Equity Committee and the President’s Diversity Grant; and

WHEREAS, it is imperative that California community colleges work to remain focused on educational accessibility and excellence for all students;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Trustees and the Superintendent/President of the San Luis Obispo County Community College District joins the Cultural Diversity/Student Equity Committee in adopting this resolution to reaffirm a commitment to diversity, to the guarantee of equal access, to the success of all students, and to celebrate cultural pluralism.