Sydney, Australia Action Plan for People with Disabilities

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Sydney, Australia

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Type: Policy

Status: Established on 10/28/02

Source File:


While significant improvements to the accessibility of the City’s services and facilities have been achieved in recent years, the City recognises that there is still much more that can and should be done.

To demonstrate its firm commitment to continually improving access, on 28 October 2002 Council endorsed the first Action Plan for People with Disabilities. You can download a copy of the Action Plan as a PDF or MS Word document.

The Action Plan was developed following widespread public consultation, and in accordance with guidelines prepared by the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, the NSW Government Disability Policy Framework Guidelines and the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act.

The Action Plan identifies barriers to access and commits the City to implementing and achieving further practical initiatives and outcomes.

Specific actions, timeframes, priorities and outcomes have been attributed to each aspect of the Plan. Most of the initiatives will be funded out of existing capital works and routine maintenance budgets, however in 2002/03 an additional $850,000 was provided to specifically fund high priority actions identified in the first year of the Plan.

Among other things, the Action Plan includes a $5M upgrade to improve disabled access in Sydney Town Hall, installation of new kerb ramps on city streets to allow easier wheelchair access, and access audits and improvements to city buildings and in the public domain.

Ensuring that disability issues are ‘mainstreamed’ and incorporated into the day-to-day thinking and working of the organisation is a critical component of the Plan, and fundamental to its success.

A copy of the Plan has been lodged with the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission. In addition, the community will be kept informed on implementation of the Plan.

The City is currently developing an Inclusion (Disability) Action Plan 2007 -- 2010 which will extend the work done by the previous Action Plan.