- Sound of Silence
The Uninhabitable Earth
Famine, economic collapse, a sun that cooks us: What climate change could wreak — sooner than you think
It is, I promise, worse than you think. If your anxiety about global warming is dominated by fears of sea-level rise, you are barely scratching the surface of what terrors are possible...
By David Wallace-Wells / July 2017
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Loss of Life, Loss of Living Diversity
Living Planet Report (2016) -
Global Wildlife Conservation -
Endangered Species
In the Age of the Anthropocene
- Earth faces a "sixth great extinction"
- ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
This category has the following 5 subcategories, out of 5 total.
Pages in category "Extinction"
The following 52 pages are in this category, out of 52 total.
- Capitalism and the Environment
- Carbon Brief
- Climate Change - Global Warming Keyword-Terms
- Climate Change Denier Talking Points -- and Rebuttals
- Climate Desk
- Climate Law Blog @Columbia Law School
- Climate migration
- Climate News
- Climate News Events Archive ... 1970 to Today
- Climate Plans Enforcement - Resources
- Earth Science Eco-Fields
- EarthTime
- Endangered species
- Endangered Species Recovery Plan
- Environmental agreements
- Environmental Rules Rolled Back
- ESA Living Planet Announcement - May 2022
- Ethics and Climate Change
- European Union Green Deal - Fit for 55
- Extinction
- ExxonMobil and US House Science Committee v US Attorneys General and Environmental Groups
Media in category "Extinction"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 560 total.
(previous page) (next page)- Facts about US Energy Use.jpg 697 × 600; 101 KB
- Feeling the Heat 1989.png 800 × 1,095; 400 KB
- Fire Ants.png 601 × 600; 603 KB
- Florida 2024 Heating up and upset.jpg 460 × 581; 89 KB
- Florida governor and legislature strike climate science - 2024.png 640 × 105; 42 KB
- Florida Keys sea surface temps for 2023 (as of July).png 480 × 585; 287 KB
- Florida ocean water temp south of Everglades tops 99 F. degrees.png 480 × 564; 128 KB
- Florida sea surface water in the Keys area tops 100 degree F.jpg 640 × 257; 58 KB
- Foley on March29,2017.png 487 × 135; 0 bytes
- For Wildlife.jpg 444 × 640; 224 KB
- From 1968 to 1992 -- and the Journey continues....png 572 × 851; 320 KB
- From Laudato Si protecting diversity of life.jpg 800 × 784; 118 KB
- GCAS original.png 800 × 504; 94 KB
- GCAS-2.jpg 800 × 450; 136 KB
- GHG emissions 1970-2010.jpg 800 × 438; 50 KB
- GHG forcings 1750-2020.png 531 × 531; 94 KB
- GHG ppt concentrations 1975-2020.jpg 640 × 361; 69 KB
- Gistemp 1979-2019.png 750 × 491; 335 KB
- Glasgow-Climate Conference News-Nov 6, 2021.png 600 × 800; 290 KB
- Glass Gem Corn.jpg 400 × 400; 21 KB
- Global Biodiversity Information-Data.png 501 × 266; 124 KB
- Global Changes in temperature 1850-2020.jpg 480 × 480; 152 KB
- Global Climate Change textbook-Edition2.jpg 604 × 680; 96 KB
- Global climate conferences and GHG increases.jpg 793 × 801; 56 KB
- Global Climate Dashboard - NOAA - 630 × 480; 165 KB
- Global climate dashboard-NOAA 521 × 221; 45 KB
- Global climate 800 × 489; 100 KB
- Global Climate Dashboard.jpg 800 × 529; 101 KB
- Global Climate Strike - RU.jpg 450 × 804; 116 KB
- Global fossil fuel emissions - in a lifetime graphic.png 600 × 657; 233 KB
- Global greenhouse gas emissions - 1980 - 2020.png 640 × 480; 158 KB
- Global Primary Energy Consumption - 1800-2017.jpg 800 × 583; 65 KB
- Global sea surface temperature 1982-2024.png 800 × 823; 566 KB
- Global sea surface temperature graph as of 2024.png 800 × 455; 654 KB
- Global Stocktake, the first GST.jpg 800 × 905; 513 KB
- Global temperature change 1850-2016.gif 512 × 288; 1.38 MB
- Global temperature change 1901-2000.jpg 640 × 508; 47 KB
- Global temperature variations over past 200 years.jpg 640 × 360; 29 KB
- Global warming June 2024.jpg 640 × 174; 46 KB
- GlobalClimateStrike-March15,2019.jpg 600 × 613; 30 KB
- GND next steps.png 567 × 660; 304 KB
- Google News - On Climate Sept 2021 - Catastrophic 2.jpg 800 × 946; 160 KB
- Google News - On Climate Sept 2021 - Catastrophic 3.jpg 799 × 923; 171 KB
- Google News - On Climate Sept 2021 - Catastrophic 4.jpg 800 × 949; 176 KB
- Google News - On Climate Sept 2021 - Catastrophic 5.jpg 800 × 954; 168 KB
- Google News - On Climate Sept 2021 - Catastrophic 6.jpg 800 × 954; 169 KB
- Google News - On Climate Sept 2021.jpg 800 × 953; 164 KB
- Great Barrier Reef May 2016 m.png 700 × 196; 170 KB
- Great Barrier Reef May 2016.png 771 × 213; 182 KB
- Great Barrier Reef severe bleaching die-off.png 704 × 388; 630 KB
- Green New Deal, work in progress.jpg 800 × 450; 62 KB
- Greenhouse gas levels hit record - Reuters.jpg 600 × 696; 104 KB
- GreenPolicy360 - May-10-2024.png 790 × 694; 320 KB
- Greta - the politics thats needed.jpg 639 × 203; 38 KB
- Greta anger into action.png 800 × 419; 528 KB
- Greta Looks Back.PNG 504 × 437; 368 KB
- Greta Thunberg - Week 203 Climate Strike Banner.png 209 × 127; 51 KB
- Greta Thunberg - Week 203 Climate Strike.png 554 × 601; 488 KB
- Gulf Stream in Critical Danger.pdf ; 181 KB
- Healthy-soil.jpg 930 × 325; 97 KB
- Heat hitting billions.png 614 × 690; 509 KB
- Heat stress in US may double by end of century.jpg 640 × 503; 107 KB
- Hindu Kush-Himalayas - 2023 Report on Dangerous Climate Impacts.png 800 × 819; 1,023 KB
- Historic climate-clean energy vote in US Congress August 12 2022.jpeg 800 × 775; 384 KB
- Historic photographs - Humble Oil TX - Exxon.png 591 × 596; 548 KB
- History of drought in the US Southwest.png 800 × 324; 386 KB
- Hot weather and climate change ... in Houston.png 413 × 154; 16 KB
- Hotimes.png 514 × 481; 201 KB
- Hourglass-sand-2.jpg 450 × 342; 12 KB
- House passes biggest climate investment in U.S. history.png 625 × 480; 114 KB
- Huge heat anomaly in 2023 - by Gavin Schmidt.png 735 × 857; 172 KB
- I Am Greta - the Documentary.jpg 387 × 485; 30 KB
- I Am Greta Marching.jpg 800 × 534; 80 KB
- I've done all I can.png 584 × 101; 19 KB
- IEA - Support for Fossil Fuels - re 2021.jpg 559 × 800; 143 KB
- IEA News 1.jpg 480 × 400; 64 KB
- IEA News 2.jpg 480 × 475; 55 KB
- IEA News 3.jpg 480 × 496; 57 KB
- IEA News 4.jpg 480 × 530; 57 KB
- IEA News 5.jpg 480 × 539; 62 KB
- INaturalist butterfly.jpg 1,024 × 683; 202 KB
- Infoamazonia-fires-Aug2019.jpg 800 × 663; 124 KB
- Infrastructure Bill and Climate Resilience - A Step Forward.png 640 × 403; 526 KB
- Interview w Christopher Nolan - via Bulletin of Atomic Scientists.png 600 × 671; 237 KB
- IPBES-assessment stages-a.jpg 800 × 451; 246 KB
- IPCC Report - Feb 2022.jpg 448 × 291; 113 KB
- IPCC report August 9-2021 (1).jpg 745 × 380; 156 KB
- IPCC report August 9-2021 (2).jpg 745 × 428; 171 KB
- It's hot in South Florida - July 2023.jpg 480 × 537; 92 KB
- It's Hot the Times UK Says... Act Now or else - July 2022.png 800 × 416; 568 KB
- James Hansen 2024.jpg 600 × 658; 110 KB
- James Inhofe -- and Project 2025.png 640 × 670; 566 KB
- January-May 2020 temp anomaly.jpg 680 × 380; 54 KB
- Jerry Brown re EPA - 19 June 2019.jpg 699 × 798; 126 KB
- Jerry Brown-Climate Week, NYC, Sept2018.jpg 800 × 534; 242 KB
- Jerry Brown-Global Climate Action Summit.png 800 × 453; 900 KB
- Jerry-Brown-quote.jpg 800 × 552; 69 KB
- John Kerry - Climate Envoy - 2021-09-26.png 640 × 410; 349 KB
- Journey of a Climate Pixel - May 2022.png 800 × 399; 114 KB
- June 2019 - NASA GISS data - hottest on record.jpg 640 × 560; 58 KB
- Katharine Hayhoe - Nov 26, 2019.jpg 508 × 466; 80 KB
- Kelp NOAA credit Robert Schwemmer.jpg 450 × 299; 193 KB
- Keystone to Enridge - McKibben - June 11, 2021.jpg 512 × 559; 140 KB
- Kim Cobb - Georgia Tech professor of climate science.jpeg 800 × 533; 87 KB
- LA Times - July 2023 on the world's response to the climate crisis-1a.png 800 × 1,011; 657 KB
- LA Times on the world's response to the climate crisis-2.png 800 × 651; 297 KB
- LA Times on the world's response to the climate crisis-3.png 800 × 806; 302 KB
- LA Times on the world's response to the climate crisis-4.png 800 × 896; 321 KB
- Lamar accuses March 2017.png 800 × 439; 245 KB
- Lamar re science and Trumps truth.png 627 × 607; 206 KB
- Lamar Smith Denial Offensive.png 393 × 307; 224 KB
- Lamar's science.png 584 × 537; 204 KB
- Last male northern white Rhino - 2018.jpg 960 × 606; 91 KB
- Last of its kind.jpg 480 × 640; 43 KB
- Laudate Deum - To All Peoples of Good Will - On the Climate Crisis.png 767 × 601; 112 KB
- Laudato Si conf-July 2018.png 590 × 318; 120 KB
- Laudato Si conference-July 2018.png 336 × 424; 267 KB
- Laudato Si Movement Invitation.jpg 633 × 480; 66 KB
- Laudato Si Movement.jpg 781 × 337; 40 KB
- Launching soon.png 657 × 468; 225 KB
- LDCs face the climate crisis, raise the alarm - Nov 2021.png 419 × 226; 126 KB
- Leah Stokes - UCSB - Prof Climate and Energy Policy.png 640 × 476; 295 KB
- Life Above the Jungle Floor Don Perry.jpg 395 × 500; 74 KB
- Like a speeding freight train.png 640 × 600; 492 KB
- Living Diversity or Not in Your Home Yard.png 436 × 640; 582 KB
- LMDCs make their case at the Glasgow climate summit.png 427 × 480; 259 KB
- Manchin kills the Biden climate plan.jpg 800 × 438; 71 KB
- Manchin News - Dec 20 2021.png 600 × 588; 307 KB
- Manchin News 2 - Dec 20 2021.png 600 × 600; 329 KB
- Mapping changes in global temperature 1850-2022.png 656 × 680; 180 KB
- Mascot for Glasgow intl climate conference.jpg 575 × 396; 76 KB
- Mauna Loa CO2 - April 2022.png 600 × 618; 203 KB
- Mauna Loa CO2 week ending May 15, 2017.png 800 × 493; 77 KB
- McKibben logo.jpg 300 × 170; 7 KB
- McKibben re Manchin - Dec 2021.png 370 × 368; 261 KB
- McKibben reaction to Manchin blocking Biden's climate plan.png 640 × 423; 140 KB
- Methane cuts pledge - COP27.png 399 × 336; 164 KB
- Methane emissions to be cut - COP26 pledges.png 640 × 464; 140 KB
- MethaneSat - 1.jpg 350 × 336; 58 KB
- MethaneSat - 2.PNG 448 × 336; 172 KB
- MethaneSat - 3.PNG 448 × 303; 248 KB
- Methods to enforce climate pledges-NDCs - Dec 2021.png 539 × 480; 333 KB
- Michael E Mann -- act with hope not fear.jpg 720 × 1,024; 122 KB
- Michael E Mann, act with hope not fear.jpg 1,246 × 1,772; 256 KB
- Michael Mann - Susan Joy Hassol after Glasgow.jpg 460 × 1,616; 299 KB
- Monitoring Greenhouse Gases from Satellite Missions 2021-2030.png 801 × 386; 143 KB
- Montreal Protocol - effects study 2021.jpg 640 × 401; 76 KB
- Mulvaney says no lifestyle change.jpg 561 × 779; 128 KB
- My-Journey-at-the-Nuclear-Brink Perry-235x300.png 235 × 300; 43 KB
- NASA Climate Feb16,2017.png 593 × 526; 348 KB
- NASA orbiting fleet 2015 m.jpg 690 × 518; 234 KB
- National Climate Pledges Must Be Enforced.png 800 × 520; 122 KB
- National Climate Task Force - first mtg Feb 11 2021.jpg 591 × 654; 144 KB
- NDC Tracker - 2020.jpg 800 × 340; 50 KB
- NDCs 2025.png 600 × 722; 403 KB
- New Climate Maps for US - 2020.jpg 800 × 169; 34 KB
- New Climate Maps for US.jpg 677 × 405; 47 KB
- New Climate Model.jpg 777 × 412; 70 KB
- New German government announces far reaching climate plans.png 632 × 600; 446 KB
- New Mexico Land Commissioner speaks up.png 497 × 405; 242 KB
- New Species Discovered-2018.png 800 × 212; 508 KB
- NIDIS Global Drought Conditions June 2016 Report .png 800 × 423; 214 KB
- NOAA - NCEI report on US temps 2023-2024.jpg 600 × 561; 109 KB
- NOAA Climate.Gov.png 589 × 99; 7 KB
- NOAA data Temp Jan-Dec 2015.gif 990 × 765; 167 KB
- NOAA extreme weather events charting.png 663 × 600; 288 KB
- NOAA report on heat records broken in US - 2023.jpg 600 × 480; 229 KB
- NOAA undergoes political changes - Oct 2020.jpg 800 × 719; 135 KB
- Nobel Prize 2021.jpg 551 × 473; 212 KB
- North America West Coast hot - Aug 2023.png 484 × 501; 308 KB
- Nuclear hydrogen-bomb-explosion-1024x576.jpg 1,024 × 576; 57 KB
- NYT - Nov 1 - Day 1 headlines from Glasgow Climate Summit.png 600 × 800; 103 KB
- Oceans and Climate Change - DeCaprio July 2022.png 600 × 689; 677 KB
- Oceans heat added 1955-2011 lawrencelivermorelab 2016.jpg 477 × 480; 30 KB
- Oceans hottest in 2022.png 800 × 501; 358 KB
- Oct 21, 2021 - On Eve of International Climate Summit.jpg 733 × 466; 119 KB
- October 2016-400PPM.png 494 × 463; 160 KB
- Oil gas climate change response plans - circa 2022.png 729 × 837; 335 KB
- Oil profits and US gas prices.png 378 × 336; 163 KB
- On Earth, GreenPolicy360, Clearwater, Florida.jpg 600 × 646; 175 KB
- On Planet Earth.jpeg 1,147 × 1,280; 328 KB
- On the heat beat... NYT reporting-June 21 2024.png 613 × 649; 147 KB
- Oppenheimer -- the 2023 movie and in the 1940s.png 705 × 408; 253 KB
- Oppenheimer movie - 2023.jpg 600 × 768; 124 KB
- Our Biggest Experiment - by Alice Bell.jpg 333 × 499; 40 KB
- Our Fragile Moment.jpg 612 × 480; 80 KB
- Our Fragile Moment.png 301 × 448; 360 KB
- Overshoot presentation - Rees 2.png 640 × 246; 81 KB
- Overshoot presentation by Prof William Rees - 2021.jpg 640 × 432; 76 KB
- Pacific Northwest-US-Too Hot-June 2021.jpg 336 × 420; 21 KB
- Paleoclimate-at the Museum of Natural History-2.png 800 × 449; 418 KB
- PBS NOVA on climate change resiliency.jpg 497 × 679; 122 KB
- Per capita CO2 emissions - to 2020.png 640 × 442; 153 KB